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Posts posted by DAKERS

  1. The worst announcing in all of sports. I had people asking me what in the world I was watching? The request to mute was definitely asked. It's sad if you are trying to regrow a sport that you have tooo lis-ten tooooo annn annnnn-ouncccccc-errrrr add 3 or 4 seconds to a single syllable. It is sad for sure Balllllllll-offfffffffff-Spraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  2. Thanks for the great ideas. However I am trying to purchase an item not retro fit something. @MDB1056 brought an amazon dolly I had looked into. There are several that are all over the place as far as reviews go. Prices range from a few hundred on up. I just was curious if anyone knew of specific brand/model and had any experience with said brand.The snowblower is a cool Idea, but way too much work and I don't have the tools to try to manufacture something like that. Thanks again.
  3. Thanks for the info. I really don't want to deal with the lawn tractor storage as far as size goes. These dollies looked decently compact. In a perfect world it definitely would be far less of an issue to just get a lawn tractor. That being said, I am curious what the marinas use? Again, the ones I have found have ranged in price but the reviews are all over the place.


    I will check out the airplane ideas as well. Thanks for your thoughts.


  4. I have found that the manual powered dollies don't work very well on aggregate. I used one pretty well with a 24' race trailer that was on asphalt and flat grade. I will am trying to use this often and want to make it as easy as possible so that is why I am looking for motorized. Thanks for your thoughts.
  5. Hey everyone. Any chance anyone has info in regards to a motorized dolly? I have been looking for one to move my boat into a tight area where I can't fit a vehicle. The surface is aggregate concrete without much grade.The reviews are all over the place on these products that range all over the place. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. I grew up going to the lake. We had a 21' sea-ray cuddie cabin that we would use for our family time. We would hangout all day and sleep on it at night pulled up to a shore in a cove. We used to wally ski and kneeboard. Heck even did some surfing back in the day. Lot's of wonderful memories on the lake. I would watch skiing on ESPN as a kid, and I knew all the great men and women skiers back in the day.

    I stopped going to the lake the summer of my jr year in HS because of sports commitments and really didn't get back to the lake until 2015.

    In the summer of 2017 one of my son's teammates had an uncle that lived on the lake we went to and he stopped by. He said, hey we go skiing at 7am would you like to go? I let him know that I hadn't skied since I was a kid. He didn't care and said he had a ski I could use. I had some good wipeouts but I was hooked. What a great total body workout. Especially when you do it as wrong as I did and still do. However, that moment made me want to get better. I would go as much as I could. That day was fathers day 2017. I messed with the course a decent amount when I could that summer. I didn't ski after August of that year until New Years Eve. I was down in FL and tried out a ski school. It was at Eden ski lake. I made my first pass ever there @15/30.

    I went from being hooked to obsessed and having these thoughts constantly going through my head.

    How can I get better? How can I increase the speed and shorten the line? What type of equipment do I need? Which consisted of ski, bindings, tow boat etc...Where can I train and who can I train with? How do I expand my knowledge? Where can I learn to be a better driver? How do I truly learn what ZO does and why does it kick my tail? What is the best body type and how can I achieve that sort of body and train accordingly to achieve success on the water? What goes into binding and fin adjustments?

    Everything I have learned in athletics has basically been counter intuitive for success on the water. I understand the physics of the movement but getting my body to do something it really hasn't ever done has been tough. But I love the challenge. Even if that means me tossing my ski halfway down the lake out of frustration.

    The ski community is the closest thing to a locker room that I have found. Those who haven't experiences a real locker room I am sorry. That connection is the number one thing people miss when they are done with sports. Skiing has helped fill that void and I try to thank those that help with that as much as I possibly can.


    So has skiing helped change my life for the better?!?!? Ummm, most definitely. Those that are on my "team" I say thank you and you are appreciated.

    Thank you Griff Irby for that first pull on Father's Day 2017.


  7. The first episode is going to be out shortly. It will be ski related with @Chad_Scott as the guest. I received questions from novice skiers up to pro level to discuss these topics. I look forward to bringing the NFL, waterskiing and other topics to this audience. Hopefully we can expand the wonderful world of skiing a bit more. I love to listen to people's stories and this will be a way to let those stories be told. I want to thank all the skiers that have welcomed me into this community. Thanks
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