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Posts posted by Vicki

  1. I had my left hip replaced January 2020 and my right hip replaced May 2020. Then out of the blue I was diagnosed with Cancer January 2021. Had a radical hysterectomy and 28 rounds of radiation and just got back on my waterski last weekend for the first time in 3 years! I have a 69% chance to make it to 5 years, so looks like my hips will out live me after all! It was a fun day.

  2. I haven't read all the posts thoroughly, but when I first tried 4years ago, I found a blog by a woman who was learning and her post is what I kept in my head and finally got up. I have to start with both feet it as it just feels unstable leaving my back foot out. She said to point my ski towards the boat don't keep it straight up in the water and keep my eyes on the back of the boat. Point the top of the ski at an angle towards the boat. Stay in the tucked position and when you say hit it, push forward with your front foot and bring your back foot back towards your butt. I also was using a cheater ski rope where my ski is in between the V of the rope. I have to tell myself to keep my hands down so the rope stays over the ski. I stay squatted and have my husband put it in gear which gets me moving in the water to get used to positioning the ski. When I say hit it, I keep my hands down towards the ski, I push with my front and pull back my back foot which gets the ski to plane on top of the water. I then stayed squatted until the boat gets enough power and then stand up. I started on a huge ski in this video and have worked up to a regular slalom ski. Good luck!
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