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Posts posted by Swerve200

  1. OK - this is not political, it's fact. CDC will be announcing a no-mask policy for vaccinated individuals. This applies to indoors and outdoors. Seems like the "guidelines" as stated above can be relaxed.
  2. This thread is hard to read. All I can think is how water skiing is slowly dying and it won't take much more to finish it for good. Happy that I was able to participate during the peak and the lifelong friends I've made in the process.


    No offense to this forum, but it's not productive.

  3. Water skiing is/was a boomer sport. The youngest boomer is now 55. The only possible way that water skiing comes back in a big way is if the millennial generation takes it up in droves - don't see this happening. Just enjoy it if you still participate - recreation or tournaments - doesn't really matter - do it for your personal enjoyment.


    Talking about how to bring the sport back is as productive as trying to get it into the Olympics.

  4. Bottom line is IWWF is going to continue to sell out the skiers for $$$, why, because they can. If there were more high profile events with a purse, skiers could boycott. Unfortunately, there are very few events they can participate in that would offer a purse or incentives from sponsors. Just a fact.



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