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Posts posted by mccowherd2006

  1. @Obrienslalom It was nice meeting you and your wife at Corey's! We'd love to reconnect at LKA sometime if you're ever up for it! PS: I wouldn't call you a hack … not in the least. When I watch pro's and advanced skiers it seems they are almost "laying" on the water as they pass through the wake. Naturally this feels weird and I think many of us, me included, feel that sensation and tend to stand up over the wake to maintain our balance.


    Again - I'm definitely NOT trying to override what Corey is teaching, but rather taking any advice from people who are better than me. As I became a Paramedic I learned that you should take all the advice you can, analyze it for what it is, use what's helpful and disregard the rest.

  2. @Fam-man - Thanks for your response! I've seen a lot of advocates for "leaning drills" and I'll definitely look into your other advice mentioned!


    @vtmecheng - Thanks for your response! I'm actually training locally with Corey Vaughn, which has taken my skiing from 0-100. I'm just trying to research as much as possible "behind the scenes" from other people in ways of explaining the tactics in achieving greatness in slalom skiing. Also, I use a camera regularly (thanks for that also) because I too find great value in watching myself ski. Usually I "feel" great, but then look like crap when I'm looking through a different lens.

  3. @markn - Thanks! I have become "quite obsessed" with this sport. I never thought I would have liked it, and honestly I was kind of "forced" into it at first on two skis. After a few times getting up on two I became bored and tried for a mono-ski. The rest is in the history books. Your response is definitely helpful! When I say "mental" I think about the body's mental response to "that's scary and doesn't feel right." Practice has certainly helped, but I'm anxious to run the full course @ 29 and 15. Right now I'm achieving ball 2 and 6, but that's as close as I've gotten.
  4. I'm in my second season of water skiing and I'm trying to gain confidence and form in crossing the wake. Currently I tend to lean against the boat, up until the wake, then flatten out over the wake, and then lean again. I miss the bouy every time (of course), So I'm looking for advice on how to mentally and physically change my technique.


    Thanks in advance!



  5. @Bill22 It was nice meeting you as well! There is a place I found called "Jennings Lake", and "Bear Lake" that are north east of Zion Crossroads, and apparently they have courses set up on them. They were built for the sole purpose of skiing. I'm just not sure if they are public, or if I can join whatever club owns them. I will probably take my boat to Smith Mtn Lake next summer as well.


    I'm looking high and low for a free/in-expensive way to practice on a course. It's hard for me to think that every Slalom skier in VA who competes ONLY practices with a paid trainer. It gets EXPENSIVE ... QUICK.

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