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Posts posted by NZswerver

  1. Hi I’m Andrew Harris from Ashburton New Zealand.


    I grew up skiing a bit at a local high country lake as a kid with my best mate and his step dad who was a nationally ranked 3event skier. since my parents didn’t have a boat and where not interested I never got to ski enough and got into other sports.


    Fast forward 20 odd years and the same friend I skied with as a kid suggested we should get his step dads old boat out of the shed where it has been collecting dust for a while and have a ski! Next thing you know we are totally obsessed. I hunted around and found an old 96 ski Nautique I could afford, I bought countless old skis thinking they where good, messed with binding and fin settings we had no idea about and spent months trailering the boat 45 minutes each way to the only lake with a course nearby as many times a week as we could after work. We even put a ramp into my parents 300m x 300m irrigation pond so we could trick ski after work.

    Then we joined the local club and met a group of awesome like minded people that where super keen get us involved, teach us a few tricks and suggest some better equipment! So Gone where the old skis replaced by a D3 quest45 and a D3 Aira tricker !


    now 3 years later my wife and I are nearly 30 and have just made our dreams reality and have bought a house at the lake where we are to ski off the dock and hopefully my 2 sons will be able develop into better skiers than me.


    I discovered Ball of Spray after our local Reflex dealer suggested I had look for some reviews. It is such an awesome resource of information and entertainment, thanks Horton

  2. @luzz I think maybe a bit of both. There is a lot of interest at the junior level at our local club ski schools and if there was more mainstream publicly maybe more kids would be like “wow look at these guys i could be like that”, Surely they are the future?

    I can kind of in vision it like a rugby match an 80min show with heaps of cool graphics, stats on players, slow mo replays and cool shots.

    Half the population or more of our wee county tunes in for test matches and I bet 75% of the audience don’t know/ care about the rules and laws of rugby but they just love the entertainment and athletic abilities of the players. I know its hard to compare a team sport to an individual sport but its kind of the same, kids look up to the top All Blacks team members and want to be like that and then go join a rugby club. Maybe if they saw Freddy Winter crushing 41 or Ryan Dodd jumping 230ft ect on the TV they would google the nearest club and join or ski club nights. You don’t Have to own a boat to get started.

    Just thoughts ?‍♂️

  3. I found that last 10mins of Vince’s interview super interesting and after watching Marcus’s “paradise lost” for the 1000th time again today why isn’t skiing mainstream entertainment? Like you guys said its not the cost. Formula 1 and formula E are ultra inaccessible but people watch it. Skiing has the same appeal; interesting characters to follow, highly skilled athletes, beautiful sites and shiny expensive boats. I feel like if there was a “tour” on Netflix or what ever, if it followed the top 10 male and female skiiers through the season and just showed the beauty of the sport with a basic understanding of how it scores without going to far down the rabbit hole of rules it would be a great watch.
  4. NWZ was from 1990 thru till 1996 I have a 96 and ski a 200 club boat and have skiied the “legendary” bubble back TSC1 hull. The NWZ is a good hull that seems to not get a lot of love from slalomers online. but with the back seat and bases out and 1/4 of a tank of gas it skis really well,a bit firmer than TSC. I am only a 52k 18.25 skiier but my brother and another ski buddy are far better than me and they tend to agree. Below 49k/30mph the wake tends to get a bit harder but the 52 55 58km wakes are good. And if your into tricking the trick wake is mint! Well it’s definitely not a ZO 200 we love ours for mid week sets
  5. As an someone who deals with ag chems on a daily basis you do have to be mindful about what you use. The best result chem method would probably be reglone/diquat. 24hr withholding for swimming. (10days for overhead irrigation) it is a contact killer (disruption of photosynthesis) with no residue. But as someone else said you shouldn’t apply to more than 1/4 of the lake or you will kill your fish from lack of oxygen. The first time we did our lake we used a helicopter 30L/ha reglone with Depthcharge adjuvant. It was cheaper than the injection boom off a boat method but we had some drift onto the crop around the lake ? not ideal, since then we used the injection boom
  6. @CPC_1 the NWZ hull is 19.6ft but I don’t know if they where ever badged a 196 like the later TSC hull Nautiques. It is not a 2001 Hull. I have a 1996 NWZ SN with the multi port EFI GT40 motor and perfect pass stargazer, while it’s not a modern ski boat like our clubs 2015 SN 200 by any stretch of the imagination it skis good and tracks well it, also has a really nice trick wake.
  7. My brother and I went though a similar scenario, we were young and had no money so he bought a wee 17ft outboard. It was all fun and games until we discovered the course and became better skiers then the boat was being pulled around and tipping from side to side to the point of being dangerous.


    We ended up putting a trim plate on it, putting 80kg of sand bags in the bow, we pulled the rear seats out and moved and the pylon from the rear to the centre of the boat (basically between the front seats) it all made the boat way better for the driver. it had a real sweet spot where it just stuck to the water with the motor trimmed up about 1/4 of the way. any lower and it was too hard to steer and higher it was all over the place.


    But in saying all that we ended up buying a 196

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