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Everything posted by fsts2k

  1. Here is what I came up with. Note the limited horizontal space. If I could lay them flat that would be better but I think this will work… was also able to use all scrap wood, limited cost. Used a 3d printer to create the cleats to attach into Gladiator gear track wall.
  2. Great idea! Unfortunately the garage ceiling is 20' high... Makes for an airy garage but limits the amount of storage I can do from the ceiling. For my use case, this is at a lake house, the boat stays on a lift in the water. I would store the skies and things near the dock but we had issues with people taking them in prior years. In the mornings I grab the skies or the boards and walk down to the lake. I am considering something like this: https://epicsurfracks.com/collections/free-standing-vertical-surf-racks/products/layback-freestanding-wooden-surfboard-rack
  3. Has anyone created a vertical Ski storage rack? I have an area in the garage that has a lot of vertical space, not enough for skis to be held horizontally. Currently I am thinking the top part of the rack would be dowels with a bungee across and the bottom being a shelf that the ski sits on. Would also make the bottom shelf wide enough to have surf boards slotted in. Has anyone seen something like this? Kevin
  4. Agree on Spray Nine + soft bristle brush. Just keep it went with Spray Nine and keep scrubbing, it will come off. The stuff is magic I would avoid Magic Eraser on vinyl based on what i have heard/seen.
  5. Looking to purchase a Ski-Doc Orbit to begin filming my (currently terrible) skiing. Let me know if anyone is getting rid of one they would like to unload? Thank you Kevin
  6. oof.... well that could be a good reason. I have started to do PT for hip pain (too tight from too many hours sitting) and the PT has told me my calfs are super tight. Appreciate the insight, that would align with my pain. The red line is exactly where I am feeling pain.
  7. Thanks for the input on the Pulse boot, will look into that as well. I don't really understand why my foot collapses on the ski like this (or at least I think it collapses) when skiing. I feel like I can hold on forever but this is the currently limiting factor. Thank you
  8. Thanks, yes, bit concerned about this. I am going to try to get a last ski run in for season this Saturday and will try to fit one of my old running foot beds in there to see if it helps. If it does, I may bite the bullet and upgrade to Vapor boots to get an insert. Would be nice to know if that is indeed my issue or not.
  9. Thanks! Does the footbed end up coming out of the boot when you pull your foot out or do you glue it in?
  10. I have been skiing on a Radar Senate with two Vector Radar boots for the past two years, 99.9% is free-skiing. I find that after 10 or so minutes my right foot begins to become quite painful across top of foot (about center) and below my arch. Is this typical or does this happen to others? Appreciate any thoughts. Thank you Kevin
  11. Nice! Did you do the setup on the trailer per the videos? Planning to keep it on the boat all the time or will you mark where the system goes on the windshield?
  12. @SandSki135 Looks awesome! Can't wait to hear your review
  13. @ErikBerghiller Thanks, helpful. Realizing everyone is different, my use case is that it would be used on the same boat all the time. The boat sits on a lift all summer and is only used for skiing but it is covered after each use. For me, if there was a more permanent mount that would attach to the top of the windshield with a quick disconnect for the full system. That would enable it to be removed daily and then remounted quickly. I know you are designing this for everyone and thus you need to make design that support the broadest group. Just providing on-off feedback from a potential customer. (please note I realize I have not purchased it yet so my feedback may not be worth anything) Thanks for the continued information. Kevin
  14. @ErikBerghiller thanks for the videos, really helpful. Watching how to calibrate it my interpretation is that removing it from the boat means another recalibration. Is that correct? Reason for the question is not about moving from boat to boat but rather to put the cover on daily. The way this mounts might indicate it needs to be removed for a cover, was thinking about process of taking off, putting on cover, removing cover, replacing OffCourse, then having to calibrate. Am I correct on that or is it designed to be removed and replaced with on the same boat at the same position and it does not need to be recalibrated? Thank you Kevin
  15. @SandSki135 Nice! Hope you can share your thoughts
  16. I really want to buy this but am not willing to spend that much without seeing a few videos of setup and how to work it. I worry about how repeatable it is to get consistent ball placement, how does the system start the pass, what the communication needed between skier and driver, etc.
  17. I am 100% down with anything RC That said.. I don't think the batteries would last long enough in the submarine. Last point, radio waves have a hard time penetrating water so if you wanted to go deep (>3 feet) you ended up fighting that. What about a magnet on the end of the air line and dropping strong magnet down from the boat on a rope? Caveat... I have zero idea if that would work and I have not been drinking
  18. Saw they are sold out on the first batch.. hope that means reviews are coming. @MDB1056 I wouldn't think this would ever replace an actual course, just something to use for those of us who can't get to a course.
  19. I am overly excited about this concept since I don't have access to a course. That said, since it is winter I can't purchase anyway but I will be looking forward to real reviews. Things like how easy is it to get replacement balls, what does it do for gates, easy of use (my driver sometimes struggles with things like the perfectpass), etc. All that said, what a cool innovation and I only hope it works well enough for them to take my money. Kevin
  20. Since you already pulled them you might be able to temporarily fix them enough to get the hours pulled off and write-down where the boat is as of now. My gauges come and go, but this weekend I was able to take a picture of both the PP hours and the engine hours. I need to figure out if I can reset the PP hours but at least now I know the delta between them. Here is a link to a temp fix, looks like the ribbon cable gets loose. https://www.planetnautique.com/vb5/forum/nautique-topics/maintenance-technical-discussion/26323-teleflex-digital-rpm-and-mph-digital-gauge-repair-circa-2002-sante
  21. Thanks all, am excited to advance my skiing. Jetsetr, will shoot you a PM to link up. Would be great to have a local ski friend. Re: Geneva being calm.. if you can hit the water from 6:45AM - about 9:30 you can usually find a shoreline that is calm. 2-4 times a year I find during the week you can run straight down the middle, but it is not often. Not an ideal ski lake but it offers a lot of other benefits for the family. The 196 should be more mobile so I may take it to a few different lakes to ski this summer.
  22. Thanks! That looks like a great place to ski and learn. Unfortunately I should have been more precise, I am at Lake Geneva Wisconsin so it is a bit of a ways away. Any recommendations for Southern Wisconsin coaches are welcomed. Kevin
  23. Thanks for the comments, this is Lake Geneva not Lake George. Yes, the driver has a tendency to put in a turn, I continue to try to fix that ;) The new old boat is about done so I hope to drop it in the water soon and get a pull. I am going to hold on a new ski until I get a few pulls in.
  24. I hope so, the 226 has quite a "bump".
  25. yep, I don't take that as a dig at all.. coaching has been in the cards. Was trying to get to FL this late winter for ski lessons but COVID travel restrictions cancelled that.
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