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Posts posted by Jakegsxr11

  1. I finally got out to ski on my new to me 2018 HO Carbon Omni with 2019 Xmax bindings. The bindings feel good and seem to fit well, I was worried they would be to big, they are an XL and I'm a size 12 with narrow feet. I was able to snug them up pretty much all the way and it was just about perfect. I left the rear top slightly looser as I've always skied with just a toe plate. Getting up was interesting, the ski was very squirrelly. I thought I wasn't going to make it up but I held on an pulled through. I'm sure after a couple more pulls it will be second nature again. Once I was up the ski was very stable, much more stable than anything I've skied on before. It really felt like it wanted me to ski much flatter and bent over in an athletic type stance than I'm used to, I'm not sure if it was the bindings or the ski. I just went with how it wanted me to position my body as I think it was likely a more proper position. Even though I felt much flatter on the ski my dad said he could still read the complete "HO SKIS" on the bottom while I was skiing. The ski turned and crossed the wake great, it was very confidence inspiring and I think once I'm used to it a little more it's going to be a ton of fun. I think I probably skied as good if not better than with my old ski and with it being the first time out on it I'm sure there is lots of room for progress. Overall I really like it and I can't wait to get out on it again.
  2. I need to mount my new bindings to my new ski. It's a 67" ho carbon omni with xmax bindings. Ho says to mount the front binding at 29.5". Where is this measured from? Also are there any recommendations for the back binding?
  3. Ok, I'm going with a 2018 HO carbon omni. Will these bingings mount up? It looks to me like they will.




    Radar BOA Hybrid Rear Toe HRT - Aluminum Frame


    XL (Men's 10-14)




    Radar Vector BOA Water Ski Binding - Feather Frame



    Radar Vector BOA Water Ski Binding - Feather Frame


    XL (Men's 10-14)


    Front Boot



  4. I'm looking for bindings for narrow feet. I'm a size 12 and am considering a purchase of a Carbon Omni or Senate Alloy. I am an aggressive free skier. I am considering the HO skymax, freemax or x max and the Radar prime, profile, or vector, (would the BOA help?) I don't have an opportunity to try any of these on. There are basically 0 shops that carry slalom skis around here.
  5. I'm in central WI and ski on the Wolf River and in the northern lakes also. The main lake I ski on has a mandated counter clockwise ski pattern I'll try and get my wife to make as many straights as possible. Thanks for the tips.
  6. I know there are several of these threads but hopefully you can all help me out. I am an intermediate free skiier, I ski behind a 18' four winns runabout on a small 200 acre lake, it's usually calm and the boat is always turning counter clockwise. I've been skiing slalom for about 28 years and am 38 years old I'm 6'1" and 175 lbs.I ride a HO venture super sidecut competition freeride series ski. It's wider and slower than I would like. I should get some coaching but I don't really have the time and I don't know of any around my area. I like to ski around 30-32 mph but my boat doesn't have an accurate speedo so that might no be correct. I don't have any video of me skiing but here are a few still shots.



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