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Posts posted by papp101

  1. Howdy all. 

    Bought an HO Stance 110 for a Hovercraft board in Large and need an XL 10-15 - could be freemax, Skymax or stance. 

    I could trade this new boot, or partial trade, etc. Need one quick to try out this ski!

    Message me if you have something, used is fine. 


    Phil in Minneapolis 

  2. Had some great skiing days in Sturgeon Bay on vacation. Scored a Camaro wetsuit w/tags for $50, and man y'all are cheating!! That was so comfortable.


    The line length is at about 20 off, I think I might go back to 15 off just to give myself more time and get more pendulum swing. My offside still feels very noodly, and I can tell that I'm still bent more at the hips. I did end up moving my boots forward one hole, and that seemed to help with getting my weight forward a bit.


    My onside I can feel myself getting into a lower lean, but it's just not consistent yet.


    Probably only a couple more weeks of skiing here in Minnesota, looking forward to picking up some cold water gloves.



  3. @BraceMaker thanks for that. In my skiing, I haven't started turning yet, just timing to the outside, pause and dipping back into the wake. I have been wondering about that, though, if indeed my "pivot" or foot position is correct, but I'm just not rolling over my ankle far enough, or standing up straight enough!


    I do feel like I can almost unweight my back foot completely, but maybe I'm still bent at the hips?

  4. I am going to move my boot plate forward one hole (69" radar senate, stock settings) to see how that helps- since this video I've been bending more at the knees to roll forward, then handle down and hips up, getting the weight off the back foot. I can feel that it's possible and maybe the boot adjustment would help.


    Thanks all!

  5. I took some advice and hired a coach connected to come ride in the boat, to be honest I didn't really know who was showing up as I didn't catch the name completely when we scheduled it.


    Big thanks to @Zaneh2oski Zane Nichols for coming down to Prior Lake and running a coaching session early in the morning before his flight.


    He really focused on me getting the rope down by my hips while crossing, which helped to turn my ski for more cross wake momentum. A few of the times I barely felt the wake, and I think that's because I was barely touching it as I crossed. Felt Great! Now to do it consistently. . .



    As always I'd love your feedback. It is so much fun coming back to this thread to post another video, see my own progress, and always know there's somebody better than me ready to share some advice.

  6. Thanks y'all!


    Anyone have any tips for keeping the ski under the rope? Not even sure if I'm using the right terminology here, but sometimes I can tell that I turn in my skis behind of the rope and the next time it's in front of it, and I'm not quite sure where it needs to be, or if there's some sort of trick to nailing it in the right place.



  7. Hello.


    I've absolutely loved the tips I've gotten from my coaching a total noob thread. The knowledge and support here is excellent!


    Some of the feedback was to find a local ski school. So, I'm looking for slalom coaching courses in Minnesota. I noticed there's some of the resorts a bit gull lake and pelican lake, but haven't found anything in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul


    Anyone know of anything? Not a lot coming up with Google.


    Thank you!

  8. Thanks all! I have yet come across an active ski school in the Minneapolis area yet, I'm sure they're around. Would love to buy a lesson!


    Thanks for the tips about gloves, I'll order some tonight. Can't wait to take another swing at it with the tips above.

  9. Got out today behind the Bayliner 160 90hp on my new to me radar senate. Love this ski!


    Trying to keep my arms straight, bend my front knee more to center my weight forward, and just simply cut harder and focus on turning the ski to cross the wakes faster. I love the feedback!


  10. @ReallyGottaSki 7dtzeoxze703.jpg


    Hmm, it does indeed look like a sunsport. Belongs to my buddy, just got it this year so I may be mistaken, but I will pass along the COMPliments. :smile:


    I asked him to take a pic of the prop markings when he gets it out of the water, I agree something is up. Prop may be too small and slipping, at WOT he is 36mph with 3ppl and 4900r, which may be a bit high, and the top speed feels a bit low. Holeshot kinda stinks, there could be some plate adjustments needed, but not until he has the right prop.



  11. Morning all!


    Went again this morning, switch to right foot forward for the first time and worked on crossing the wake faster. There's a few times where I can tell that I'm leaning backwards and falling into an angle on the beginning of my cut, and those felt better. Still negotiating on how far back to lean and how that wake's going to feel when I cross it. It was a lot more fun to cross the wake a bit more aggressively and I want to just keep pushing that envelope!


    Let me know your thoughts, and thanks for all the support!



  12. Awesome find, thank you! I see those settings are a bit different than the 2016 settings I used.




    I used my miter saw to make a 9° wing gauge.




    Check the fin depth at 2.51 and length at 6.880 with the calipers and adjusted a bit. Distance from tail is right on at 780.


    The boot setting for that year will be at 31, mine's at 31 and 1/4 but as you can see I have problems riding on the back of the ski, so I'm going to leave it up a titch for now.


    Thanks for all the help!

  13. Good to know! I'll give a few swings at the right foot forward, especially when I haven't built any habits yet hahaha.


    Originally when I was skiing on two skis I'd pick up one foot and see which one felt better, and maybe just out of habit the left leg was stronger but if I do the fall test, my right foot does go forward.


    I'll take some video skiing right foot, and will practice some of the dry land body position drills in the garage right foot forward.

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