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Posts posted by monkey

  1. Massive long shot here but thought id throw out a line, i used to have a Fischer #1 blue 66" ski back in like 2010 when i was still doing 3 event competition skiing and it was and still is the best / my most favourite ski i have ever used (i loved how fast it was), unfortunately after about 3-4 months of heavy training and competition use i had huge crash during a tournament (think cart wheels on top of the water style and ended up unconscious in the water) but for some stupid reason my double boot hardshell system didn't release and somehow managed to snap the ski in half. 
    As i needed a new ski asap i got a sixam ss 66" which i wanted to try also (decently fast ski) with the idea of it being more of a temporarily thing until i could get another Fischer, long story short i never managed to get ahold of another one before nationals and i was also getting good performances outta the sixam ss - then i got badly injured / finished school and moved outta home = Stopped competing. 

    Well luckily for me my parents have moved up to the river from the country so the boats now only a 30min drive away for me and theres a slalom course down there!

    Probably absolutely no chance but if anyone has a Fischer still or knows anyone that has one and its still like new / of good quality, id love to buy it off them! 
    Preferably, ideally i want another 66" one and if its either the yellow/orange one even better as i understand they are both stiffer versions - potentially quicker than the blue one, but also at this point if by some chance im even able to find one left out in the wild i probably wont care which version it is! 

    as ive been out the game for 10 years (competition wise, still had a few skis when i could) if i cant find one or anyone has any recommendations of something newer that rides similar or an upgraded newer type version let me know! I after something fast that i can really push and holds it edge hard like the fischer does, doesnt have to be super forgiving. ive still got my double boot hard shell system which id bang straight on whatever i end up geting.

    Cheers ppl


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