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Posts posted by LeonJones

  1. I've posted this question on a couple of the other sites (WSF & Proskicoach), but on the chance I may have missed someone with input, I'll repeat the question here... Thank you

    I am a 50 y/o rookie ( 15'-22' off at 32 mph) who needs a TKR. I've been putting it off, thinking it would be tough to ski with. Is there anyone out there who has had this done, who skis 150-200 sets per year? http://www.varvaro.com/virtualhosts/waterski/www/webbbs/smileys/ohwell.gif Thanks in advance for any feedback

  2. Beginner speed question/delima:

    I'm also learning the course. About half of the time I can run it when all the stars line up just so, but the other half, it looks like I've never been on a ski. I'm on a  68" KD CR7. I'm 5'11" and 190#.

    My question is this: With this ski and my weight, is 28-30mph still beneficial? I've skiied as slow as 28, but the ski just plows and wallows around, and is nearly impossible to maintain proper body position. At 30-32 mph it smooths out, but I lose the benefit of the slower speed. Assuming I stay with this ski (wife would kill me if I said I needed yet another ski) , what suggestions are there?


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