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Posts posted by Skihack

  1. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Time to hook up with the fishermen, folks. I seriously doubt the EPA will take on restricting water access to fishermen. They would have a war on their hands. Gander Mtn., Basspro, Cabelas, and others would fold. I could see private lakes getting shut down but not public lake access.
  2. Let's keep it simple! Once you ski MM, you stay in it for that year. No going back and forth. And that applies to Open Men and Women. However, I believe MM should have no age restriction. Change MM to Masters. It would be very awesome for some of the Open Men and/or Open Women to ski Masters. But once they do so, they must ski that for the whole season. Problem is: All the Pros would probably quit Open to ski the Big Dawg.
  3. I know this perspective will piss alot of folks off! But I believe it contributes to the decline of the sport. You have a young G3 skier who skis OW in the big events then skis in G3 in the Regionals. Come on now! What do the parents want to do here? Beat the crap out of the other competitors? I have no problem with pushing a high level skier to ski against the best, that's the way to push the skier to get better. But to return back from Open to ski in G3 is not cool man! And while it may be good for that individual, it doesn't nothing for the sport, in my opinion.


  4. There is really nothing that can be done. Too many outside factors. Number one is Money. Skis are 1500 to 2000 dollars blank and the cost of boats going to 60,000 next year. I really don't see the sport coming back unless alot of cable set ups start popping up around the country. Competition skiing is way too expensive! There are alot of qualified skiers not attending to Regs and/or Nats. There are even some that could get on the podium that aren't going to Regs/Nats, now that one I cannot figure out!


  5. that was sarcasm. However, that's the way it was done in the 50's and 60's with small outboard motors. With a new tournament boat , you could do a hop start with a tight line with a good driver. I have even skipped off the dock with the newer boats. Really, a smooth, progressive pull out of the water going up to speed smoothly is the best way to pull a skier up.
  6. I like to pull those with a rear toe piece. Have them stand in foot deep water on their back foot holding the ski up with their front leg just atop the water. You need roughly 10 foot of slack left then full throttle wide open. Should do just fine.
  7. Will you be interviewing Eddie Roberts? I believe he is an influential waterski manufacturing insider. Really enjoyed the Denny Kidder interview and would like to see some more interviews with the folks behind the scenes.


    Thanks again for sharing the Denny Kidder interview with all of us Ballers.

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