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Posts posted by skiron07

  1. Great- thanks much for the advice- it's kind of what I had expected. I don't have a carbon plate- just a standard HO syndicate hardshell but I would assume everything would apply equally to the release system. I'll take it out- no big deal and piece of mind


  2. Hi all

    I just got a HO hardshell and see that it comes with Reflex instructions


    What's the best setting for me?

    65, 6'-3", 200 lbs

    32 mph

    Usually deep 32, sometimes deep 35

    On a new Omega Max with animal rear


    Thanks much

  3. My son is graduating from college on Memorial Day weekend from Hamilton which is right by Utica- any good ski sites nearby that I can take him to for a day's visit? It appears that Pangea has been reorganized so drop-bys are somewhat discouraged.

    Thanks much!!!

  4. I'm more of a finger tip kind of guy to start- using a ML 1.030 standard- going to a 1.1" soon; have had issues like this in the past but they've never lasted this long- must be from the erging and lifting aggrevated by the fact that I'm now 60


  5. Thanks guys!

    I'm already doing what BB suggests- I'm also taking a week off from erging and lifting to see if that helps. Kinesio tape, deep tissue massage and graston scraping have all helped but in a minor way.

    Also- I'm ordering a large handle to supplement my standard one.

    2 weeks in Europe w/o skiing might help next month...


    Double overgrip? Has anyone experimented with a double over hand grip where both palms are facing down? Just thinking about the best way to protect my elbows and biceps

    I've alternated left and right but...

    thanks -

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