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Jeff Cyphers

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Posts posted by Jeff Cyphers

  1. Like so many skiers on this forum I am tired of getting my butt kicked by Zero off.  The pull is so different then Star Gazer that there is no way to train with one and then ski with the other in a tournament.

    Has anyone come up with a setting on Star Gazer that will come even close to providing a pull simular to Zero off?

    I know that supposedly Perfect Pass is working on a Zero off simulator but that does not help us right now.

    Any SERIOUS advise you can provide would be helpful.



  2. I recently switched from a 9300 to a 9700 and wow what a difference between these 2 skis.  I have not tried the 9500 or 9600 but the 9700 is a ski that gets great angle and holds width very well.  I am a 32 to 35 off skier at 34 mph  and I am able to get wider on the 9700 at 32 off then I have been able to get with any other ski I have tried.

    I know that it has been stated on this site and others that Goode has had some problems lately with breakage and with customer service but I have had no problems with there products or support.  Then again I am not riding a 9800 either.


  3. Cam,

     It is natural for your onside turn to not need as much tip pressure as the offside turn.  I would not change anything unless there is a problem with your turns  such as your offside turning harder then the onside or you breaking at the waist on the back side of the ball because of getting to much tip pressure on your offside.  Just because your tip is higher on your onside then offside does not mean there is a problem.


  4. What has happened to Chris Parrish.  A few years ago he was hot on the heals of the great Andy Mapple.  Now.... Nothing.

    I know he had made a couple of sponser changes that really didn't work out for him but I thought he was back with Obrien now which is where he was when he was tearing it up.

    Any ideas of what is going on?


  5. This year I installed Perfect Pass Stargazer in my boat (before this I have been hand driving the boat) and for the first time I have been able to control my speeds to the tenth of a mph.  I really thought this would help me move from one rope length to another by starting slow and increasing my speed a tenth or 2 as I got comfortable with each one.  The problem with that method is that to get comfortable with each speed takes many sets.  If I was able to ski everyday I think this method would work great but I only get a day and a half each week to ski as many sets as possible.  I started out the year using the speed adjustment method rather then the half loops.  After 2 months of skiing my 32 off pass I found that I was still 7 tenths of a mph under my max speed so I decided to go back and start working the 30 off loop at full speed also.  Less then 2 weeks later I am running my 32 off at 3 tenths under my max speed and I am smoother at it then I was before.

    I highly recommend using the half loops at full speed to help make the transition from one rope length to another.

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