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Posts posted by H2OSkiGirl

  1. Thanks so much everyone! I just had my Pre-Op today and they said a lot of the identical things you are saying here... I just wasn't sure if they had a blanket list of what they tell you... I have to go on a little escape to Cancun for the next 12 day and then right to surgery... I am happy to hear I will be skiing at the first of May... I really appreciate all of your personal experiences that does help me gauge a little about this whole thing that is on my mind a lot... Surgery is a big deal so your comments have helped my mind be at ease a little:-) Thanks Kim
  2. Greg and Debbie you were both amazing!!! You seem so calm and simply there to keep everything running smoothly during the whole tournament. You both can dance too that is always an awesome part of the tournament as well :D Thank you for putting on the best tournament of the year every year. You are both pretty special in this water-ski community and for promoting the sport the way you do. I can't even imagine how much the two of you sponsor the tournament with your own family, friends and funds! The award you presented to Bob LaPoint meant a lot to him as well as all of us for the work he has done to the support water-skiing. The announcing was awesome and I can't wait to watch the webcast I have been hearing it was awesome... Richelle did a fantastic job of keeping people in the right places at the right times as well:)


    I agree Bishop that was a rush being in the boat with all the Pro's for the Head 2 Head. I always assumed they talked a lot of smack and as I watched they were all very focused and obviously dialed in.


    Speaking of being nervous, I sure was.... I was on the dock with "The Krista" (She is so sweet) and both of us were wondering why we put all this pressure on ourselves? We do it because we all love it no matter how many rounds you have to do to get a good one:)


    Next year we should all bring a couple of friends and make this the biggest tournament of the year! It is worth it as every year Boody and I are there we have so much fun meeting new people and talking to all the Pro's! And watching the Pro-Women is one of my highlight as they are all freaking amazing:D

  3. It was an experience all right and I think there should be more H2H rounds at the end of a tournaments! Thanks so much for my Lady Baller hat Horton:D I have already put some bling bling on it and am wearing it now:) Just a coupe tournaments left and I will run that 32 for sure!!!
  4. OK... I will just say one more thing:D I skied two sets today and both sets I ran a 32, (not OTD but the second one...) what the..... OMG I couldn't be more excited that all of you took the time out of your hectic schedules to give me such good advice:-) Thanks so much... I keep reading all of your tips! Thank you:D
  5. Dusty thank you, I have struggled with my gate for many years and just what you have suggested here is what T_Whisper told me just a couple of weeks ago!!! I will be working to make this more fluid and just like you mention, more of a 2, 4 buoy:)


    And yes Texas6 you are so kind:D


    So I wanted to update... I took a couple of sets on the 4th and for the first time this year ran 32 OTD.... WOW :-) I had all of my notes from all of you that took the time to give me some excellent feedback! I concentrated on only two things (and tried to keep doing some of the other...) first was getting higher and moving fluid in my gates and the second was keeping my handle in longer into the bouy (my elbows touching my vest) while opening big at the bouy.... I was amazed at how this helped me with two things, outbound movement and not coming back to the handle so soon...


    Thank you again and I can't wait to practice these things over and over... BTW on my second set I was on my way to running a 2nd 32 OTD really early when my goode bindings came off prematurely... I now have new velcro and set to get busy this weekend!!!

  6. I am just reading through these comments again right now and I want all of you to know how much I appreciate the time you took to look at my skiing and then give me real feedback.... I want to ski better and be in great form all the time and it is so frusterating when you can't get to the next bouy!!! I think that is why we love this sport because we know we can always get better!!!
  7. OMG what a great surprise to see all of these awesome tips for me!!! I appreciate it so much you guys have taken the time to watch my set and really give me some meaningful feedback:) I am writing all of these tips down in my book and I will be out on the lake tomorrow after my graveyard shift~ I am even able to see more watching the video myself and really see what I am doing wrong! Thank you everyone for your help!!!
  8. Thanks for watching and your feedback Than! I will def get higher on the gate and try to create that much needed angle sooner! I also wrote in my book to wait to load the ski until the it finishes the turn... I do hear that alot... I appreciate your feed back!
  9. Richard... I should try it again huh!?!


    Rawly, that seems logical holding the handle in longer! I was looking at video and pictures and I am open before the bouy for quite a long time then I reach over the top to soon...


    Shane I have never thought about it that way. I can picture this for sure! Going to figure out how to link a video on youtube...


  10. Thank you everyone... Matt I am a 34 mph skier starting at 15 and this year I am only getting 2 or 4 at 32 off. I ran many last year, but not this year... I am on a mid fire and last year I was on a regular goode and a radar.


    Leon I do feel like I pull to long because I won't make it to the buoy. This weekend at a tournament several people told me I was pulling too long! I am writing down your comments, thank you.


    Todd thank you for your description and I am waiting to long, I need to try this and trust it when I practice next...


    Marco I do think my edge change it pretty late because I will look down the line and I am still pulling half way to the buoy... I will try keeping the handle in longer as you guys are suggesting too...


    AB I agree with Marco too. I feel I am pulling a lot and then I have to rip a turn.


    I will try to post a video.....


    Thanks everyone, I can't wait to get back out on the water...

  11. I am a W3 skier who would like to know how to have a pre-turn! I am strong, I love waterskiing and like all of you, I want to get better! I have a problem with pulling too long into the buoy and I would LOVE to hear what you suggest I try to help me out:-) Thank you!!!
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