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Posts posted by bishop8950

  1. We appreciate the feedback, especially when it’s constructive.  Announcing is harder than a lot of people think it is. Both Brian and I do the best we can and true to our personal styles.  Others would do it differently or suggest we do it differently.  

    Right or wrong, I assume our audience is familiar with the sport.  We tried to do some explanation of the format and sport in general, but mostly playing to the experienced skier audience.  Listening back to it today, I think maybe a bit more speaking to the less experienced.  What do you think?

    • Like 3
  2. If you do it in a tournament set, straight up the rope with all passes in tolerance and you actually go around all the buoys and make all the gates, you can feel pretty damn good about it. But still practice.

    In a tournament you have to do all of the above and deal with nerves, maybe a driver you don’t know or a boat you are not used too. It’s harder.

    Clearly Joel proved he is capable in the CAProAm when he nearly ran 41. He got 5 right? I am cheering for him to put one formally in the book. I am sure Joel would agree, only then it counts.

  3. I really like the XTR Team. Like Horton, I am having a less than ideal season due to life issues, but running lots of buoys for all the more I am skiing. Ski always turns and builds so well into the wakes. Now I just have to quit adding so I can enjoy the ride out to the next buoy.


    My settings measured with a Goode slot caliper are 6.826, 2.742, 0.740, 9, 29.25.


    I should have put @Horton fin in the same place, but I might also have put it in backwards.


    I did enjoy meeting Kevin the dog, no butt sniffing required.

  4. I have been curious if you could vacuum or filter the muck/silt off the bottom of a ski lake. Our true bottom is pretty hard and we have 6-12” of silt on top of that. Most people seem to drain and scrape. But seems like there should be another way. I picture a huge centrifuge or something spitting out the muck and putting the water back in the lake. Never did any serious feasibility study.
  5. When I felt the deepest pull into the rabbit hole of waterskiing was when I was making trips to ski with Jamie B at Trophy Lakes in the early 2000s. I was starting to run 38 and would consume every bit of knowledge I could get. Watched tons of video and trying to understand the sport so I could get better. Still haven’t let my foot off the gas but it seems less like a rabbit hole these days. At this point, I can’t get enough of the fundamentals I was taught years ago and still need to work on!
  6. What @Bruce_Butterfield and @skiinxs said. The numbers do a good job of confirming if the pass was in tolerance. But I know I can give skiers a very different ride and get similar numbers. The breadcrumbs are helpful for sure.


    Back on topic, that was perhaps the greatest tournament of all time as far as the performances and competition is concerned. Fantastic!

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