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Posts posted by scuppers

  1. Just last week on. YouTube I saw a side by side comparison with a new IPhone 14 and I thought the IPhone performed better. Figuring out the mount (maybe a ski dock) may be a challenge. I have a GoPro 8 with all the stabilization and GPS activation but I’m not really that crazy about it. You might check it out for yourself.

  2. @braindamage How old are you?, and what do you know about the Catholic church. And if you really think about it most of the laws we have stem directly from people not being taught right from wrong in the first place. Too many "kind words" and not enough discipline.

    @rfa quite the contrary - The church hung a plaque in my honor thanking me for not carrying on like it was the end of the earth.

  3. @lpskier - you just confirmed the training doesn’t work at all. I too was one of the kids moved on by a catholic priest at 8 years old. My parents and my home life and up-bringing were all the training I needed to recognize a pervert - It was handled swiftly cleanly in a dignified manner without any government involvement. The Catholic Church took care of the rest. I didn’t need any psychological counseling or special attention. Grow a pair and drive on.
  4. @MrJones - Yes it is. And the reason why the dead horse keeps getting a beating is some of us are just not “go along with the crowd” kind of people. Those that are should study a bit of history (before it’s erased) 6 million “go alongs” were gassed - and not that long ago. Yes we want to join and compete but not at the cost of swallowing a bowl of bull shit. @Buxrus is right - taking that class protects no one.

    (I bet this post will fire ‘em up!)

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