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Posts posted by Patmaster

  1. Thanks guys. @Zoro957 , we are talking about the front foot on the ski, right? There should be a BigDawg skier that is now recovering from this fusion, so let's see...there is apparently life after fusion.
  2. @vtmecheng, so far I have two opinions, both indicate fusion as the only durable solution. There are people experimenting with stem-cell cartilage regeneration, but too early to tell.@liquid d, they told me I would have to "learn to walk" after the fusion and I don't like the sound of that...they also claim that fwd-aft flexibility should be maintained.


  3. After many years of tweaking and at least one stress-fracture, doctors say it's fusion time. Did anyone have a fusion of talus and calcaneus (with screws and all) and continued skiing? Getting old sucks but we can't just give up, can we?


  4. @jcamp, thanks! After years on fixed hardshells it is so hard to move to a "heel-free" system in the rear. That made me wonder what makes sense. Following other discussions on the topic, it is becoming clear that slalom techniques with and without fixed rear heel are probably more different than most of us thought!
  5. @Ed_Johnson yes, I know, he told me the same thing and I tried. But - many years with fixed rear boot (hard) made it really difficult to switch back to any setup where the rear foot is allowed to move much. I also use a fixed riser under the rear heel. Just wondering what the other people are doing who are on double hard shells. Regina, Dave Miller,others?
  6. Getting a ski for a friend who is about 200 lbs, beginner in the course, currently on a narrow 69 inch ski. Any fresh experience which of these is best to advance in the course, hopefully getting to 34mph one day? All three seem to have the same target group.
  7. Trying to move from double hard boots (Fogmans) to reflex-like front boot, worried what to try as a back boot. Rear toe does not work, short booth that don't hold the heel do not work as well. Most people say Wiley's rear boot but I never liked that very much. Release of the back foot is a concern, of course, as is the "feel" of two boots, without which it may take too long to get used to the new setup. Ideas, anyone?
  8. Blue glove lined that only D3 sells (website) are the best. Don't like neoprene, too thick, these are just right. Preferably with thin gloves like ProGear or Miami Nautique. I use a thin handle. In extreme heat, I even used two pairs of liners and a size bigger glove. Not a great feel but really helps avoid blisters. Hats down to all the tough guys who don't mind holes in their hands!
  9. I met Andy in 1980 at Liz Allan's training centre in Florida. Watching my 17 year old coach (I was 18) passing 38off then was something I will never forget. I went back to skiing only many years later, enough to start competing, and 34 years later (2014) I skied with Andy in the same tournament in France and watched him win by passing 39 off in strong wind and rain - the most exciting pass I have ever seen. Had a chance to work with him on his new skis and was proud to have helped the genius himself. We wanted so much more Andy! All that can be said now is - thank you for being a part of our lives, for showing us what greatness in sport and in life is. Now while you are competing and laughing on your new planet, let us do what we can for your family and let us help continue your legacy!
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