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Posts posted by JoeMac

  1. Would love to hear how to use the shims for the flextail. I am supposed to receive them this week. My onside turns too hard. I am planning on placing on at a time to help my onside calm down. Should I start toward front of toward the back in my placement of shims? Can you place just one or should you place one in all three slots?
  2. I had c5-c6 fused 4 years ago. Tried to go back too soon. And was set back due to the muscle atrophy I had sustained from the injury. After the first setback I got a power vest and have used it for the last 3 years. At the end of this season I am finally able to ski without the power vest. It has taken me 3 years to strengthen my left shoulder back to about 80 percent of what it was. I still use a unilateral shoulder brace. I think it is critical to continue doing the exercises that the physical therapist shows you forever!!!! I think that if I had started doing those exercises from the beginning, I never would have had to have surgery. I know I didn't have lumbar injury, but I know a lot of skiers that have. I have seen those types of injuries end their skiing. For the lumbar having a strong core is critical. I would focus on that all off season. Hope that helps
  3. I agree with Kevin, that the personalities of the individuals at the tournament makes these big dawgs fun and entertaining. These guys are passionate and very knowledgeable about water skiing. Getting to ski with legends is a great experience that gives us a reason to tinker with our skies and train hard for next year. Hope I can do this again next year.
  4. I am thankful that for the opportunity to ski in the Big Dawg and getting to watch the finals on webcast. We missed out on a big opportunity to increase the viewers for next year and years to come. There was a controversy that should have been on camera. It would have been awesome to watch the arguments at the dock on the webcast. Everyone would have been glued to the webcast. Next year we should have cameras and microphones at the starting docks and in the boats to listen to all the trash talking. That would have been entertainment. I do appreciate to announcers, but it was tough for them rambling on during the delay while everyone was wondering what was going on. As much as we like for everything to go smoothly in running a tournament, a little controversy is not a bad thing in entertainment. There is nothing more entertaining that to listen to two skiers joking with each other in the head to head format. There was still amazing skiing at this tournament and I enjoyed skiing and watching all the finalist with there interesting personalities. Looking forward to making my $200 donation next year to try to compete again. If I make the cut.

    Joe McCreary

  5. I think that the big reason they do it during Nationals and not after is to get people to watch it. It is a huge draw because most of the participants at nationals are there. Not only that but most of us who participate, have kids who start school the next week. I'm excited that they are having another bracket for the Big Dawg. I won't mind being in the 2nd tier skiers this year. I agree that the open would be more popular if it was at Nationals. Might be as big as The Big Dawg.
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