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Posts posted by guitarcarr

  1. Ok, we are thinking of moving to Florida. We live lakeside on a lake in NJ. We want to move to Florida and buy a lakeside home. There are so many lakes in Florida that its hard to figure out which lakes may have courses or not. We really would like to live on a larger lake that has a course. Can you guys give me some ideas of lakes in Florida that have courses? We will be going down there to look at homes and I just figured the more info I have the better before I go down to look. Thanks in advance!





  2. I am lucky and live lakeside with the boat at the house :) My girlfriend and I ski at least 3-4 days a week. We go skiing in the morning before work on days when the water is glass. We'll get up at 5 am and check the water...if its great condititons we go! And will ski in the PM if the water is good.Then we will ski almost every sat and sunday mornings and again in the PM if possible.
  3. Ok, going to borrow a trick ski from a friend this weekend!!! A couple of questions if anyone know about such things!


    1) How do you deepwater start? Like slalom or like wakeboard(I also wakeboard besides my slalom skiing)?

    2) What speed is good?

    3) Line Length?

  4. Again thanks for all the replies. We are just going to do it. If someone says anything we will deal with it then. There is nothing in the lake laws that says you cannot put something temporary in. The sailing clubs on the lake put in huge bouys in for thier races....but they are temporary. So I am willing to take my chances and if I run in to problems I will then go for a permit if I can!
  5. We are talking about 3 skiers normally and the 2.5 hours time frame should be enough to get us through with our sets. I think the depth in the cove we want to put the course in is 18-20 feet but have to check the depth map. I'll e-mail Ed!
  6. Ok, we ski and Live on a publice lake. No courses on the lake. Thinking about using a portable course.


    How hard are these to setup?


    In our case it would have to be setup and taken down as soon as we are done. We would have at best a 2 1/2 hour timeframe to get the course in, ski, and take it down due to boat traffic. It would be setup at first light.( on week days we would probably have much longer time frame but most of our skiing would be done on the weekends).


    Is this feasable?


    Does anyone else do this on the weekends?


    Realistically is the setup easy enough once we get the hang of it to make it worthwhile to do this on the weekends?


    Any tips, comments are greatlt appreciated!!!



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