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Posts posted by cranker

  1. For tv coverage and crowds I think we need to make it more exciting and maybe a bit more theatrical as much as I hate that thought.

    Fireworks and guys going head to head calling each other up on the dock, side by side courses.

    With jump this is easier, look at the crowds for night jump comps, so take this a step beyond by making it a bit more like the 'crusty demons' etc

    Still have the hard core slalom etc for in the core sport events but run the other events for tv and the crowds



  2. Wow, what a fantastic response, thank you everyone these are great ideas and much more than expected.


    Good idea Jerseydave, never really considered a mini van, we were planning on buying the vehicle and leaving it for friends when we come home, the plan is to get back to Orlando each year.

    My son is the skier he is currently 17 and will get back over to more often than my wife and I, we just pay the bills watch and do some judging at events.


    Why the big trip, well I'm coming up to retire, 28 years military and my son will finish school and this is the last chance for a big family trip before he starts his career, he intends to join that other service....Navy, the family shame haha.


    Well I have started thinking about a calendar and map and will put the locations on and try and line this up with planned tournaments once the official calendars start appearing.

    Once again, thank you for the fantastic advice, offers and help.


  3. Hi all, sorry to ask open ended questions.


    My plan is to take 6 to 7 months leave and spend the 2013 ski season in the US, planning is to leave after Moomba or the Australian National which are held at Easter and as the title states do as many sites and events, what are your thoughts?


    We have skied at skied at Sunset Lake with the Travers' and we plan to start and end the trip there.


    We also plan to buy a cheap car wagon/SUV that will hold a 3 event bag and run the wheels off, $4-5,000 I feel should do the trick, maybe and older Tahoe etc


    We are keen to ski as many sites as possible and are also happy to help out others who may be thinking of a trip down to Australia.


  4. Hi all, OB and NTX are correct, the cost should be the true cost of what it is to ski at your local site.

    We are in Australia and travel about five hours to ski and pay in the region of $60 for 20 minutes. On top of this we pay site fees and of course the cost to travel.

    I can certainly understand clubs closing membership but I do not think that is the answer in all cases.

    In relation to skiers no replacing balls etc and not helping, this is an issue for the clubs and that maybe those clubs should not renew the membership of those that are not doing the right thing, I am sure the message would get thru quickly. I think it is just a reflection of society in general that some are just not the people you want in your club etc no matter how cool or how good a person they seem, these always seems to be the same people that knock and complain about everything.

    But certainly nobody should pay less than another member on the site as per NTX

  5. A great thread, it is always good to look at what we want to see for our sport into the future, some of the points being made are on the money.

    While I can understand people want to keep their clubs with manageable memberships for all the reasons mentioned, I do not feel that this may be the correct approach, consider that we may be turning away future champions or those that will push the sport forward by say 'yes great you want to ski but this club is full, so go find some water and start a club' this is done so that we have few people standing at the dock waiting..... I would say that this may send the wrong message and could portray the sport in the wrong light.


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