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Posts posted by pjirsa

  1. we had some milfoil issues a few years back. we keep a pretty close eye on outside boats now. our sister site has a policy of flushing and washing down all boats before letting them in regardless of how clean they look.
  2. we used to have a portable course on a public lake up at our cabin. the setup time can be done with 3 guys in as little as 30-45 minutes if there is no wind and you guys have really got your method down to a science. taking it out is easier since you are just pulling things back in. when we would go to the cabin for the weekend we'd usually try to get there on friday night and get things installed. then, we'd just remove all the buoys except for 1 green ball at each end. the course would then sink and rest on the bottom. we had pretty sandy smooth bottom for this. then, in the morning. just start at 1 of the greens and pull yourself along the mainline, attaching buoys as you go. we found that easier than taking it in and out all weekend. DNR didn't give us any fuss over that either.
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