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Posts posted by Dscholfield

  1. So I finally got my vest back, the 2xl was a good choice, it fits great. With enough room to go up or down in weight(in the midsection @kona). Although I'd probably say for anyone looking to get the vest it will encourage you to hit the gym or lake a bit more frequently. Either way the fit is incredibly good, and I can't wait to see how the material holds up.
  2. I am experiencing what feels like a lot of "kick" off the first wake which tends to put me out of position and skiing flat out to the ball. I'm wondering if this is caused by not leaning enough on my approach and therefore the ski would be already partially flat heading into the wake?
  3. Last year I attempted to get a co-op position at Nautique and Malibu, but Nautique wasn't hiring for that time of year(fall) and Malibu didnt have a co-op program in place. I was wondering if anyone on BOS had any information about this for ski manufacturers or any other area of the sport? Working, even for just the experience, in this industry would be a dream come true so any information would is helpful. Thanks,



  4. I recently bought a Camaro impact vest for the summer and found that the sizing on the vest was roughly 2 sizes smaller (L on the website was listed as 38 1/2" were vest shows 37") than listed on the website. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? It will be an easy exchange courtesy of miamiskinautique but made me question about sizing for their wetsuits as I was also looking to get the new blacktec. I'm 6 ft, 180 lb, so if anyone's close to that and is using the camaro wetsuits I'd love to hear what size your using? There is also no were in Ontario to go try these on that I know of which is why I'm trying to reduce the amount of back and forth shipping that I have to do.


    Thanks for the input.

  5. @Brady Ya that wind chill will get you, and so id agree its cold no matter what you have. I was more wondering then how the camaro, being only 2 mm in those temperatures, where Id regularly have 4-5mm. It's cold but you can make it work if your "committed".



  6. Texas is great..I lived in Laredo for a few years, but its a long way to go for a lot of people. A more central location would seem to make more sense.


    The scope of the event seems to be developing into another tournament with funky rules? Although that isnt really a bad thing in any way..is it really that inclusive to the people who aren't those reading BOS everyday?


    When I started the previous thread I imagined this event having the same or better opportunity as the Stoaked festival coming up this weekend to start creating a lifestyle image the same as sports such as surfing, snowboarding, or wakeboarding even have right now. A great way to do that is to add things which will interest a lot of people to the event...like a rib fest, with tons of beer tents..maybe thats not family friendly entirely but its an idea.


    If people want to start a thread for those interested in orgranization of the even I'd be all for that.



  7. @richarddoane i was thinking also to include some of the other random ideas that have floated around the forum to allow everyone to participate in something


    Getting some lighted bouys for a night competition would be fun too or even just for people to try. Possibly even having multiple different events were you tally a score at the end of the weekend, somewhat like golf.


    Ill have to start logging all this..



  8. @horton will do..ill see from this thread who might be interested and go from there...I would imagine its a 2013 or 2014 plan


    @richarddoane good point...it can always build over the years.


    @Skoot1123 I wasnt really focusing in on anywhere specific, just a spot closest to the general baller population. It will require a ski lake with a fair amount of flat grass land for camping and tents and such.

  9. @horton I think thats more than fair, you do enough already, I would aslo hope a group of people could get together to head it up with me. Stand behind what we want, getting more people involved in the sport and exposure.


    The event I can picture would only be worth while if it was a direct extension of this community. Its the reason we all come on here everyday like crack addicts, so it should be the reason we all get together.

  10. I was going over the statistics for how many people frequent BOS and thinking that an annual weekend BOS event/festival could be a great idea for this sport...As a general start family events all weekend long, odd ball types of competitions(reversed long line, longest continoues set,etc), prizes, ski & product tests, beer tent. Essentially a boat show, just way way better, and more incompassing than a tournament. Wondering everyones thoughts on this idea? Would anyone go?
  11. @skifreak That is definitly something i did not consider you would lose...I do think that type of system would only work in a high level competition like the olympics where the boat was the problem. I guess there is something to consider selling the lifestyle like has been discussed in other threads.
  12. If getting waterskiing in the olympics is the goal, is trying to fight the IOC's requirments and constantly just asking to be let in "as is" a good approach?


    I think its agreeable to say cable skiing should not be the answer, it was possibly a step towards it, but in no logical way does it simulate a boat. If you consider the sports which involve motors, its not the motor that they want to eliminate, its the incosistency which can cause an unfair advantage to a certain athelete. How many times are there threads about poor driving in tournaments or practices? It's about eliminating margains of error, not arguing about the subjectiveness of current olympic sports.


    When designing something to simulate a boat, I think of the what the boat does(in the case of slalom only)...travels down a straight path, has to allow the skier to drop at each end and return the apposing direction, constanst speed attained within 100-200m, constant height of the rope off of the water.


    Given those criteria, its really not hard to build a rail(similar to rollercoasters for a visualization) and pole system which could be operated by an electric motor. You would have to have a generally flat bottom lake, that wasnt more than 10-15 deep, and it would be costly. But not impossible, giving you the pull of a boat with no cable stretch or awkward angles and the benefits of no wake. As an engineering student, this is something i really want to push further, atleast to design in the hopes someday ill find the funds to build something like this. How awsome would it be to never need a ski partner or driver? Considering even a remote you could where to bring the rope back when you fall. The possibilities are pretty exciting.

  13. Given as the olympics are on right now, I was watching the swimming, and considering how for a 100 meter race a swimmer will swim 10K plus in a day for 6 days a week to become conditioned. My question is has anyone tried this in slalom, by perhaps running a 12 bouy course? The 8 bouy has seemed to me to be a space management move more than running a full 8..correct me if im wrong. Now i know this is all limited to the size of lake, but considering you could build the lake bigger, what are the thoughts on this? Another question is also if this is just a mute point in that if you want to condition more and get better consistency you just run back to backs or ski more...but its a question I'd love some input on.



    Edit -


    I didnt realize there was a thread just started on the 8 ball course along the same line. Sorry for the repitition of ideas.

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