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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Last spring I wrote about my frustration over not being able to find a new neoprene drysuit to replace my aging Ski Warm suit. Well, I recently scored a new suit and I am very happy with it. It is made and sold by ProMotion in Hood River, Oregon. Hood River is a premier windsurfing area with several gear manufactures and suppliers.

    Promotion makes all types of wetsuits and makes an all neoprene drysuit. It is thicker than my old one, but is constructed so it is very form fitting in the legs and body. However, it is constructed with very good movement of the arms and shoulders.Perfect for skiing. Very low drag without binding. It really made fall skiing comfortable as the water temps dropped here in Oregon. If you hate baggies as much as I do, look-up ProMotion on the web. I think they are the only ones making an all neoprene suit. Oneill's is a a hybrid and doesn't come in very many sizes. I am tall and ProMotion had a suit to fit me. They have a lot of sizes. Nice! I rarely get anything that really fits. I usually have to settle for something that is bulky and too short.

  2. Than,

    Thanks for the great article! Boy Howdy did I see myself. STUBBORN I have been skiing for 30 years and still working on 34/28. Proper Ski setup and a carbon graphite ski have helped. Now I have the ski finishing the turn under me and can sometimes be early to the next buoy. The sides have balanced-out better. I used to really be a one-sided skier. I think if I can consistently get into a strong position behind the boat rather than pulling early (off the buoy) I will l get earlier and wider.

  3. I am on 68.75 A1 with a stiff layup. Skier 6' 4" @ 225lbs. Animal Bindings XL

    Front binding all the way back. Rear binding is one hole from all the way back. Some space between my feet

    Fin setup "stock" (use more dft in cold water) with 6 deg on the wing. Wing surface mounted down.

    Working on 34/28. Typically lack width.

    Ski seems to work well. I am thinking skiers technique is more the issue. Comments...

  4. Sounds like lots of interest. Ski Warm or Oneill should make them again. They are better. Baggies have tight seals which restrict circulation making hands and feet cold and neck veins bulge. I don't need a vest, so I am lighter and have far less drag. Easy pull-outs and no noise from the legs dragging in the water at the turns. Maybe they were too good and last too long so no one wants to make them?
  5. My friends and I all have closed cell neoprene drysuits that are several years old. We have owned "baggies" before, but really prefer the neoprene suits. Our problem is nobody is making them anymore. Oneill is making a hybrid called the Assualt, but they don't have tall size to fit me. Bare did make a nice hybrid, but they don't make it anymore. Why stop making something that is sooo good? Anyone know where I can find a Ski Warm or Oneill style suit?
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