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Posts posted by tfriess

  1. Been on the lastest vapor binding from radar on the front. Still feel like it’s one of the safest and I released no probables off the 2nd wake this week. Released no problem as long as worn properly. Make sure to read the instructions and listen to pro shops on this beauty. Used a few previous year models and this is the best yet

  2. Hey Ballers. Just recieved orders to be stationed at Cape Disappointment in Ilwaco, WA. I am in the Coast Guard and am an avid skier from Wisconsin. I've actually never been to the Pacific Northwest. Wondering if you are still skiing or what your season is like. The station is close to Astoria and I would love to find someone I could connect with to continue to ski. I am willing to drive and reimburse for gas. Thank you.
  3. Hello, I have a 2005 SN 196 with Perfect Pass version 6.4. This is long overdue as we've had it a few years, and Perfect Pass has never really "worked". It's not a necessity as it never sees a course but would be nice for free skiing. What happens is, the display will turn on and off while the boat is running. And when it is on, IT BEEPS A LOT!! Also, it'll start timing. Kinda hard to explain what it's all doing, but something is definitely not right. Does anyone know if this is a common problem or if the display is shot? Might be some loose connection? Only 670 hours on the boat, so I don't think that should be an issue. Thanks. Any help greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello all. A few of my friends are talking about us taking a road trip in the Midwest to explore different lakes to ski and to just have a good time. We live in southeastern wisconsin, but we are willing to travel probably not much more than 6 or 7 hours. Has anyone done a trip like this or know of any great lakes/rivers? Ideally it'd be a new lake each day, while camping in the evening. If there was a course, that would be awesome, be we are looking for glass water and spectacular sights. Thanks.
  5. I was in your shoes a few months ago. I end up picking up the Radar Graviton with a Reflex. All I can say is the few sets I have on it, I did not want to stop skiing. Now during the winter months I soothe the addiction by wearing my reflex around this house. This should tell you just how comfortable they truely are.
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