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Everything posted by greyline

  1. Number 1 is on/off. Number 4 is Menu. Number 3 is up arrow. Number 2 is down arrow. Use a dremel tool to trim the display bezel as needed to fit over the corners of the touch pad.
  2. Use silicone caulk to seal the flex cut in the face of the display.
  3. Use a dremel tool to cut a notch in the face of the display where the touch pad connector can pass through the display. The notch cut through the face of the display is easy to locate by using the existing molding pocket for the existing flex as a guide. The amazon touch pad plugs right into the circuit board without any modifications. However, be certain to keep the common lead for the buttons on the correct side of the plug, which could be installed backwards if not careful. Tape the display back together using a single layer of painters tape around the outer circumference of the display housing. The touch pad comes with adhesive backing and mounts nicely on the face of the PP display.
  4. The back of the display was cut in half using a hack saw blade.
  5. This membrane keypad bought on Amazon worked well to fix Perfect Pass Display: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OKCRZ70/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I'll post a few pictures.
  6. Deep Creek has 3 accusinks - one in green glade cove, one in pergin farms cove, and one along shingle camp drive. No jumps. Most skiers who visit the lake seem to like it. September can be a really nice time of year, just depends on the wind and temp. Boat traffic is light in September during the week, but picks up on the weekends. The course skiing is typically challenging for one reason or another so it's best to approach a set with a grain of salt, enjoy the skiing, slow the boat down as needed, and avoid some frustration. Free skiing is great with 65 miles of shoreline to rip and tear. Bring a winter coat, hat, and gloves along with the wetsuit!
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