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Posts posted by Rez

  1. @chrisrossi, I have moved my way up through the speeds and am about to move onto the shortline. The shortened rope feels a lot different and obviously the geometry is a bit different also. I was wondering what your best tip is for making the transition between the longline and the shortline. Any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers, Donald
  2. At the local lake where I ski we are in the process of putting in junior buoys inside the normal turn buoys for new skiers learning to ski the course, is there a official length they should be at? we are just judging it by what we have seen at other lakes at the moment, does any one know how many feet/meters they should be away from the normal turn buoys?

    thanks :)

  3. I'm a 15 off skier looking to progress through the ranks (hopefully one day get into shortened rope) and have noticed that in my turns that I often rock my weight back through the turn. Although I find I am able to get into a good stacked position across the wakes I do not generate as much angle as i want to to be early for the next ball.

    do any of you ballers have any tips to think of to help with getting my weight forward in the turns and how i could generate greater angle?

    anything is appreciated!

    (I will try and get video when next skiing)

  4. hey I'm jamie, from new zealand, i ski at the local lake, 'backpaddock lakes' just started running the course this year and am currently running a full pass at 52km and hope to up this by the end of the southern summer, i ski with my pals @doonez and nick, behind their trusty 196's, i ride a 2011 radar strada, new this summer and love the ski! my main issue is getting time on the water to improve which is essential to progress on the course, i look forward to entering some competitions with my buddys later this year :)
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