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Everything posted by SBFL

  1. I free ski one length shorter than my PB, when you get back in the course, it feels like you have a bit more time.
  2. Thanks for getting back to me with the great advice, im headdin back up for another week of skiing, and im gonna work on all the advice
  3. I can run 18 & 16m lines fairly consistent, but I'm having real problems at the 14m line. Any advice?
  4. hey, I have FM revo and in my most recent crash the velcro under the heel of my boot poped off and stuck to the ski... Has this happened to any one else? What type of glue did you use to fix it? It doesn't seem like a big deal, am I wrong? Cheers
  5. i know this is a bit contradictory, but i got on a trick ski last summer and started learning a flip straight away, i feel like "eating it" alot really takes away any fear, and takes away hesitation, so you can focus 100% on your goal
  6. @mmosley899‌ its not that i dont like the OB4 its just that its alot of money for some one my age
  7. @Than_Bogan‌ what is / where can I find a gatormode?
  8. @BraceMaker‌ I could take a day trip to the FM factory
  9. iv done a bit of research and i like everything i have found about the OB4 but to get it to my house it would cost 800$ at my ability its hard to justify that much money...
  10. @Than_Bogan‌ have you herd anything (good or bad) about their hard shell option, http://www.ob4systems.com/shop/ob4-hardshell-boot im only asking cause u have pretty much sold me the system, but im not really liking the idea of laces and velcro on a boot, i find they wear out very quickly.
  11. @Than_Bogan‌ i am also on a rubber binding and the main reason i want to change is because i hurt my ankle in an OTF early in the season, how did u find the change to the hard shell?
  12. i would only use it for slalom i was thinking FM because i could buy them in shop opposed to online, and reflex because it seems most people have them,
  13. so reflex is the way to go then...
  14. Can anyone help shed some light on the difference between the FM revo toe clamp, the FM revo toe block and a reflex?
  15. I went to Jack Travers this summer and they took care of everything. Improved my pb by 3 line lengths
  16. I think Travers is the way I'm leaning
  17. I know this isn't a black and white question, but who runs the best ski school? There are so many great ski school that have their advantages, but witch one gives you the most for your money?
  18. i stay outta the course when theres too much wind
  19. my parents know if I'm not at the trailer I'm at the course
  20. Your on side looks way better than your offside. Try flexing your gluts and engaging your core, this should bring your hips forward and put you in a stronger stance so you can handel more load, speed and shorter ligne lengths. There's also thees short vids, they really helped me http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EonxoGtl3hk
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