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Funny story and proof that I am an idiot.


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 When I got on the Radar I gained 3 balls within a few rides and was on fire. Then slowly that performance gain slid away. By this week I was a ball or two below my old average. I even called Eddie and asked if the skis were having flex issues. He put up with my dumb questions and told me that I may have lost my mind.  

When I checked my fin yesterday it was shallow. Not a lot but maybe 5 or 8 thou. I thought the fin clamp might be funky so I started wrenching on everything. Turns out that the screws that hold the clamp on the ski were lose! I have never heard that one before.


So I tightened everything up, reset my #s and went right in to 39 ½ off. The ski is awesome and I feel kind of dumb. Sorry Eddie!


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I did about the same thing on my Monza last year.  It was skiing pretty good, than all of a sudden I was having trouble running my opening pass.  After several day of this I was about ready to throw the Monza in front of a semi and order a D3.  I decided to check the fin and found out that it has slipped all the way forward in the fin box.  I'm guessing someone slammed the SUV hatch on my fin.
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  • Baller

John, you are not the only idiot around here and you don´t have to be an idiot just because you have a few loose screws..

At the Senior World Championship 2000 in France I was on the starting dock and realized that I had forgotten my soap and the organizer did not have any either. I yelled at a team member to get some soap quickly. He in return asked another team member and he said that we could use the bottle he had in the left pocket of his ski bag. He gave it to me and I poured it into my Wileys, put my feet in and jumped into the water. Can you imagine the feeling and the nervousness I felt when I couldn’t wash the dam thing out! I started at 28, skied it with my feet slipping around like a piece of butter on a hot pan. When the boat stopped for shortening I tried to get it out like a mad man, but it was impossible. I manage to make 32 but I couldn’t get more than 2 or maybe 3 at 35.  

I am quite sure that I am the only idiot in the whole wide world who been skiing a World Championship with Olive oil in my bindings. My friends called me Oliver for the rest of the season. Lesson: Use your own stuff or at least check what you are using and teach your team members the difference between left and right!


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  • Baller

Well Scarlet, when I was in the water after my run, realizing it was over, I can assure you that it wasn´t funny at all. But later that day after a couple of beers and a shot or maybe 2 even I started to see the funny about it. Now days it is a funny memory and every time I meet my team member I think about it and we are still skiing together.

Anyone else who would like to share..


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  • Baller

Even the guy who used the oil was embarrassed to tell us why he had it. It turned out that he used it on his knee to get his toe hold wrap to slide in to the right position when he did some kind of reverse trick… It is also pretty funny isn’t it?



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