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Tadd at H2Osmosis has lost his mind.


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For some reason, that I do not understand, Tadd at H2oz thinks I should grow a mullet. Can you think of a worse idea? Me with a mullet? I do think the Ride Before You Buy Program thing is the best way to buy a ski. Besides that I think he is losing it.

Below is from the H2Oz site. 

Difficult to decide what ski you want? Take advantage of our "Ride Before you Buy Program" and try any model ski from any manufacturer without the high risk of buying a ski without knowing how well it will work for you. Here’s the skinny on how it works:

http://www.h2osmosis.com/puce.gif  Put down a deposit for the ski that says, "I will commit to buy my ski from H2Osmosis Sports." (We hold $400 while you test our skis and then apply the deposit toward the price of the ski you ultimately choose).
http://www.h2osmosis.com/puce.gif  Decide which ski you want to try and let us know. (If you need some plates to make your boots work with the new ski, we can help you out with that as well).
http://www.h2osmosis.com/puce.gif  We will ship you the ski of choice and help you with the ski setup and all you will pay is a $40 demo charge and the shipping for the ski. You keep the ski for two weeks and return it in new condition.
http://www.h2osmosis.com/puce.gif  Once you decide which ski you want, we will apply the $400 deposit and the demo charge for THAT PARTICULAR SKI to the price of the ski . You then pay the balance and start ripping it on your new ride.

Call the shop (866.213.7993) or e-mail info@h2osmosis.com and put "Ride Before You Buy" in the subject line.

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  • Baller

but on a serious note, tadd and the h2oz crew are great to do business with.  jth, maybe a dog that looks a bit less like skippy (blackburn's decesed poodle, show some respect for the dead man.


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