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Watch out for Phishers

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I am not sure if this is the right area to post but...

today an e-mail from paypal showed up in my inbox with the title

Attention! Your PayPal account has been limited!

It's a pretty standard phishing technique, do not click on the link. It will take you to a dummy page that is not secure, and they will try to take as much personal information as you are willing to give.

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  • Baller

I have been buying and selling on eBay using PayPal for a number of years now. I've gotten many hundreds of those phishing emails for both. As soon as you see what it is (easy in a web email client as you can hover over the link and see it's not PayPal or eBay quite easily), you should forward it to either spoof@paypal.com or spoof@ebay.com .

They do try and hunt down the theives or at least block them from getting into PayPal or eBay.


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Twice this week! Eric is both funny and on target. Strange.

I think the rule is never use the link that is emailed to you from your account. Log onto your account via the main URL and you are totally safe. Also if you get an email from someone you know (like john@coyotebrothersresearch.com) it is also safe. In fact if you ever get a bill from John@coyotebrothersresearch.com go ahead and pay it right away :-)


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Yea but the odds of a Phisher knowing who your friends are is very small. They send out millions of emails looking for suckers. They have your address to add to the return but they can not put my address together with yours. They are going for the shotgun attack.
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