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Calling Bill Barton


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  • Baller

Bill, your descriptions of the the skis from the 08 tests were great man.  I know guys that run 39 that could not do better.

The Monza has been good to me.  I have ridden the MPD for awhile and when I go back to the Monza, I love the freedom it provides but, compared to the MPD, I can feel it sliding down the lake.  

The HO marketers claim that the stiffer torsional flex of the 08 causes the ski to have less slip.   Have you spent enough time on the 08 to have an opinion?  Thanks.

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Thanks K,

I appreciate that. Doing the ski test was one of the most fun things I've done in my brief skiing carreer and I took it very seriously.

You already know I'm a big fan of the Monza and the MPD and I know exactly the feeling you're talking about. If I could morph all the Monza's qualities with the MPD's uncompromising cross course line I'd be on top of the world. For me though the Monza still has too many qualities I need to move forward. My plan is to ride the '08 this year (yes I do have one) and make another decision at the end of the year.

The only time I have on the 2008 Monza was a brief ride at the test and another down in Texas at the end of November. It is different and my stab at set-up numbers did change (added 0.005" length and moved the fin forward 0.015" from my '07 baseline). I run the stock fin and the 106 Redim on the 67"-68" 2008 at 6.845"Jaws/2.515"/0.735" both with the wing upside down at 7 degrees.

Here is the punchline. And I'll tell you in advance that I can't explain it, but here it is. The best fin/wing combination I have for the Monza is the speed slot fin, the one with the fixed 9 degree wing. It immediately gives the ski a very purposeful feel and eliminates all sensation of slipping down course. It also helped balance the on-side/off-side. As a side bonus the wing is out of the way for real quick checks of all 3 dimensions anytime, anywhere, without a screwdriver. Initial set-up is easy too because you can remove the rear adjustment screw and just hold it against the back of the fin box while you set depth and length and you're done.

With Approaches I run it against the back stop, 2.5605" deep and 6.532" long.

With Animals it's against the back stop, 2.5605" deep and 6.542" long.

The only downside to the speed slot fin is it's physically narrower than the stock fin so I strike a pencil line on it and keep close watch to make sure it doesn't move. The fixed 9 degrees on it tends to pull it out of the box slowly.

I've only been in the water 4 times this spring so far and all the passes have been on a Prophesy test ski. For me it's been a fussy little ride, but I'm no where near a repeatable or consistant pre-turn body position (which this ski demands) so it's not fair to really talk about it. My Monza is all set up and sitting there so if you want to talk about it further, fell free to ping me at home.

Ski hard, ski often!



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  • Baller

When I skied with the slot fin, I felt like I was riding a fin i.e. the fin controlled everything.  With the MPD, the shape of the ski itself runs the show.  I ran the slot in the MPD and it tracked so hard that I had an abrupt highside type move at the second wake.  I never did try the slot on the Monza.  I should and will.

 You took the words out of my mouth with the morph comment.  Maybe now that Andy M is skiing a lot at 55 he will come up with just the thing for us.  


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That would be cool. I was thinking that soon Wade Cox will also be skiing more 55kph and that can't be a bad thing for us either.

When I was reading your post I got to the part where you said you put a slot fin in the MPD and it gave me a shiver. All you'd have to do then is add hardshells and you might have just created the un-ski-able 2 edged sword :) 

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Just a quick update for anyone still listening.

I'm done playing around with that Prophesy test ski, it's way too similar to the F1 for me to warm up to it permanently. That means 2 things:

#1 - I got to throw that 2008 Monza in the water for the 1st time and I couldn't be happier. That is just a great product.

#2 - I don't have a whole lot into this test ski so if anyone out there really enjoys the performance they are currently getting from their F1 and wants to step into a Prophesy for less than half price AND doesn't want the gay leather top (haven't seen one but I'm told it's faux-leather) let me know. I have one. 

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Hey Man, I got connections Cool


I would like to say that it's what the production ski is and if they would have released it when they said they were going to I'd believe that it is. Problem is production skis are just being shipped now so what I have probably isn't the final word. I'll send it to you if you want.

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I would like to chime and say Bill is right if you are going to ski on the Monza don't waste your time - try the SlotFin first.  If you don't like it thats one thing but don't ski on it for 2 seasons like I did before I tried the Slot and realized it should have been on that ski the entire time!

 Word up Bill!  How's that ankle doing budro?

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Doing great. I took good care of it and then rowed 1,000,000 meters this winter and hit the gym. Great things on the horizon for this year. I'm a little heavier this year than I planned on being but the back and the ankle are not bothering me so I'm going after it as hard as I can.

Thanks for asking. 

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