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Prophecy Review


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First of all this review is mine and mine only. No other skiers contributed to this review. For a definitive review see the 2009 Independent Ski Test that will be published in the Spring of 09.

The rumors on the internet all claim that the Prophecy is merely a reworked F1. To me the Prophecy is nothing like the F1 or any other ski I have ever ridden. In my opinion the F1 is a ski that performs fantastically well for some skiers but is not a ski that every skier can easily adapt to. The Prophecy is a ski that most any skier can feel comfortable with within half a ride.

With stock settings, the first thing I noticed is that the tip of the ski stays down all the way around the ball. So much so that I adjusted my weight back a little on my opening passes. With lots of ski in the water all the way around the ball the ski naturally wants to carve a smooth arc back toward the wakes. After a few rides I shortened the fin length a little. I think less length improved the ski and made it a little more comfortable in the preturn. I did try taking a lot of length out and did not like it at all.

Regardless of tip height in the preturn the Prophecy seems to always finish smooth and with ample angle. The finish of the turn is aggressive but not radical. The finish is arcing not sliding or abrupt. In 6 or so rides on the Prophecy I never felt that the ski did not turn when I asked it to. More impressive is the feeling that the ski increases angle all the way to the first wake. The actual wake crossing on the Prophecy is as solid and comfortable as any ski in the 08 line up.

The best thing about the Prophecy is its stability. Some skis require the skier to be very exact with their body position, the Prophecy is not one of these skis. The ski is so stable that it gives the skier the ability to relax and adjust position and technique with confidence. Ski old school or new school the Prophecy will allow you to ski the way you ski. I can not overstate how comfortable I am on this ski. 

Carryout and width are both solid but not as dramatic as with the F1. Until I get close to my limit, width and speed are on par with most of the elite skis. There is no question that this ski will get you wide and early. My only concern with this ski is when I start doing dumb things the ski punishes me with lack of width. I make this one complaint with some hesitation considering that I have only skied with stock or close to stock settings. (Edit:I took out some lenght and depth and ripped on it tonight. Fin settings are critical. Forget comments crossed out above.)

There is a very short list of skis that I personally recommend.  The Prophecy is now on that list. Now if I could just get some rides on an A1 or the new mystery Andy Mapple O'Brien.  My 68" white Radar will be here mid week. What to do? What to do?
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The one thing I did mot mention in my review is that I never did try the ski with a wing. As the regular BallOfSpray readers know I encourage all 34 mph skiers to at least try taking their wings off. I will try this ski with a wing but the tip stays down so well as it is I can not imagine needing to trim it down.

I will of course try a carbonfin but that will be off the record.
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I currently ski a F1 67.  For the most part I like the ski, but it can be unforgiving at times(32 off 34 mph skier). It  performs well for me in the choppy water we get on our public lake course. Does the prophecy have the deep riding feel of the F1?  Any comparison verses the o'brien SS, my other ski, would be helpful too. thanks
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Hey MS I may be slightly round but I can diet. That brain freeze thing you have  . . . . there is no cure.

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Me too.  I've been toying with the idea of trying a 69 with the hopes of gaining more width for 35 and beyond but I'm uncertain if the larger ski carries any negative side effects.  Anybody got any thoughts on this?


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Thanks John,

 I have Brents 68 MPD here but I have to take my binding plate off my 9800 if I want to try it.  I use double side tape on the 9800 and it's a hassle to pull it off  so I think I'll stick with the 67 and work a little harder. 



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I started with bone stock F1 #s and then took out a little lenght and a little depth. The stock #s are petty good. I have not really had that many rides on it so have not gotten much past that.

I am sure Jamie has some crazy super deep & short setting . . .but . . . .he is super human. 


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My prophecy #s are basically the F1 #s. Depth .005 shallower and Lenght .015 shorter.

Briski? Can I send you my ski? NO! Are you smoking crack? Call Tadd at H20z 866.213.7993

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Yea but to send him one of my favorite skis..... I know you  and there is not way I would send it to you. That would be like asking for your lucky Monza.  

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I have been bouncing around skis for the last few weeks as will as a week of not skiing becuase of foot so..... got back on lucky Radar last night. I am not skiing enough for the number of skis I have been messing with..... Need to get my skiing straight.

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I saw where you are now on the Radar. I am surprised that you are not all over the A-1. I mave have missed this, but did you try one and not like it? Tired of HO? Just loved the RS 1 that much?

 Hope you come down for the Dawg's tournament and bring JTH in your luggage!


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I will try the A1 eventually but 1200 is a expensive test. People have been getting great deals buying my 1/2 season old Monzas so I need to work someone over for an A1. I know JTH will not like his and I will take that off of him after he runs it a few weeks. I see there is one on SIA for 1k. I had to get the MPD rides that I loved out of my system so I thought I better get the RS1. It was a good decision. When I skied the MPD and the 9800 at the test, I loved them. I pissed away 1100 last summer on that worthless 9800, but I could not replicate the feeling I got at the test from that ski. So I plunked down some cash on the RS1 and I have found that feeling that I experienced on the MPD. The Radar Rocks ride.  

I will be at Dawgs, but I cant get JTH there. Since he closed his fin business he is out of cash, so I dont think he is comming. See you there.    

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I am sad to say that the A1 that I am waiting on will either go back to the factory when I am done or will stay in SoCal for local skiers to demo. If it was mime to keep the price to MS would be  $1199.99
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Just wanted to add my two cents about the Prophecy.  I've been riding an F1 for the last two years and everyone at my club has been trying to get me to convert to Radar.  I tried the Radar several times but found it inconsistent and difficult to ski smoothly (I love the RS-1 boots though).  When the Prophecy was finally released I ordered it right away.  When I got it a couple weeks ago I was excited to try it.  But really didn't know much about it other then John's review as there wasn't much more on the net about it. 

 My first impression:

1. It looks way cooler then it does in the pictures.  I've had a lot of comments about the way it looks  (I'm not one for vanity but for some reason ladies love it)

2. Holy crap does it turn

3. For the price it's a serious bargain

4. Why does Connelly refuse to use set screws on their fin boxes? 

So far I have skied several PBs and improved my consistency dramatically.  I have nothing but good things to say about this ski.  If you like a ski that turns hard, is predictable, stable, and is quick through the wakes you might want to give it a try. 

It's a 67" although I had been thinking of going to a 66" this year.  I probably would have if it had come out by the time I got mine.  That said I'm 5'11" and 160lbs and ski at 36mph.  Given the way this ski turns I don't know why I would really need to go shorter.  I've always ridden a 67" and don't see a need to change on this ski either.  I'm running nearly stock numbers as well with bindings at 29.25". 


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I have 4 sets on the Prophecy now. Specs and thoughts are as follows.

6'1'' 175# and have been on Goode's forever.

29.25, 2.503, 0.815, 6.769 on the Connelly now.

It feels like I could ride this ski.  (I liked a few things about the RS 1, but knew immediately it would not work long term.)

Plenty fast and tracks well. The finish of the turn is the current problem. Heelside it turns way tight with the tip high. I can basically fall over in the water if I drop the inside shoulder at all. (which I do) Toe side the finish is way hard as well if you push it at all.

My impression is that the ski is good, but the fin set up is not. Going to play a bit this weekend and see what happens.


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I would try the following one at a time and in this order

Keep your head up 

Bindings back 1/2 hole

less length .0725

Less depth .007

DFT back .01

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Believe me I do try and keep the head up and shoulders level. One of the first guys I skied with in Oklahoma is named Mike Bray. I can still hear him saying "Scot, keep your head up and outta your butt and you'll run it." I'm still trying 15+ years later.

 Now I am sure this will aggravate John, but here is what I did. 

2.515, 0.780, 6.840. It was toned down a lot with the bigger fin, but still had some of the same problems at the finish of the turn. I was very windy and rolly when I tried these last night. On top of that my front power shell finally fell completely apart during the 2nd set. 

In the spirit of being willing to change several variables at once I put a reflex boot on the front and went to 2.504 with the same length and DFT for today's set.  I am not sure if it was the boot or the fin move but my on side is waaayyy better! It turns well if I am up like I should be, but doesn't put me in the water if I drop in a bit. The negative is now that the toe side is very slow and I am having trouble holding width. Going to take out some tip and see how it goes tomorrow. My inclination is that I should have just gone back with the fin to start with. 

We'll see,




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I shortened up to 6.735 (tips) tonight and the ski was way faster but did not turn toe side as well. I think my old setting of 6.765 was better and something in between would be best. Stock is 6.770 and I think that is too long for most skiers.  

My complaint with the ski at 6.765 is that if I do not keep the handle tight off the second wake and all the way to the ball, I am narrow. If I keep the line tight I am WAY wide and the ski just arcs out and then back around the ball.


 I was heading for a season best score this morning at the old setting and just relaxed out of 4 and skied inside 5. I still think this is one of the best skis on market. 

NOTE: I do not run a wing so 6.735 or even shorter may work with a wing.


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I have been playing around a bit more and got some good conditions and feedback this weekend.

Numbers going into the weekend were




Bindings at 29 1/8 and 8 deg on the wing


The problem I found with the above numbers (Which are close to stock) is the same think that Horton felt. If my handle control was perfect it skied well, but any early release and the ski was stuck under me and the pass was soon to be over. A friend who is an excellent skier and fin doctor watched me and thought I had way too much tip. He said the ski was extremely "wet" in the turns and even when crossing the wakes. 

So I went to





The 50 number was his suggestion and I thought is as a little excessive. I tried it and straight up added 5 buoys to my previous best on the ski. It felt as if it carried width more easily and moved "through" the end of the turn instead of the bite I got before. This was especially true if I came off the handle early. I agree that the 6.770 number is likely a bit long for most skiers. I do not plan to go shorter as of now, but I am going deeper as I am feeling a bit of slide at times at the end of the toe side turn. I feel good about moving this direction as I have always heard Jamie is short and deep with the fin. 

This is an extremely good ski. I have been on the same brand since '96 never straying for more than a few weeks. I truly think this ski has real potential for a long term switch. It rides deep and stable but gets across course well. The turns are very similar toe and heel side. My set up is getting very close. I think, as John said, that once it is set up I could just forget the ski and work on me. That would be nice 'cuz there is plenty to fix.


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I took too much tip out of Connelly and did not like it. May need second ride as is but thing I need to add more.

A1 is the real deal. Only one ride so far but pretty good.

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OK - first two sets on the Prophecy tonight.  I was fortunate to have numbers from Jones to start with.  68" w/ bindings 29 5/8".  Fin 6.750 / 2.510 / .770 / 8 deg wing.

First pass was not pretty.  This ski does not like to be pushed.  Once I settled down and didn't move around on the ski and let it do what it wants to do, it flowed thur the turns.  My onside is as good (if not better) than my Goode 9600.  The offside is the best of any ski I've ever been on if you carry some speed into the buoy.  If you slow too much going into the ball, it falls over too hard.  It doesn't have the same glide characteristics as the Goode and therefore, my gate was difficult to get correct timing at first.  Finally figured it out.  It is not quick out of the ball like my Goode but flows better and allows me to get into position.  Although, it does create great angle and if I'm late it responds by allowing me to pull longer and carry the speed on thru the turn without overturning. 

My 2 ball turns at 35 (offside) were the best I've ever had.  In fact, I was too early for 3 ball and had difficulty being patient because I've never been in that situation in the past.  Overall, a great ride and compared to Goode at twice the price, there is no comparison.  This is no F1 - believe me, I couldn't ride the F1.  I ran deep 35's my first set which is what I typically do on my Goode off the dock so the buoy count is not any lower and I feel could be more consistent on the Connelly.  I think 35's will be more consistent due to the offside turns once I get a few more sets on the ski. 

Another set tomorrow night.

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I've had the Prophecy for about a month. It's by far the easiest ski I've skied.  My previous skis were the sixam ss and an F1. I've gone from running 32 off 50% to almost 100%.  As a skier that doesn't get alot of ski time, I can hop on the prophecy and ski with quite a few faults, without alot of suprises. I've always struggled with my toe side but don't think about it now. To me it's a softer and lighter ride than the F1. It still rides deep like the F1 without the bite.
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