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Toe side pull


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  • Baller

I need help on my toe side pull! Can anybody tell me how to stop letting my hips fall back and shoulders coming forward on the completion of my toe side through the exceleration phase? It's killing my pass!!!!


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Can you post a video?

In the abstract, one thing I can say from my own experience is that usually when I have bad body position on off-side pull, the actual mistake happened either at the apex of the turn or all the way back in the preturn.  If you are properly counter-rotated with your hips neutral (i.e. NOT sitting back) and your knees bent, and then you ski all the way back to the rope like this, then your body position is all set.  If not, it's too late to do anything about it.  At least, if you're a weakling like me it is!

This is really something to practice on open water, but I'll admit I never do that either...

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  • Baller

Thanks guys!

I went out last night and really tried to ski wide on my 2-4 lff. Really helped I believe with the ski speed, not to mention not having the urge to look down at the buoy because I was earlier than normal. so yes, I think I was not staying stacked and keeping shoulders level, hence maintaining speed and balance. I should have realized this, but sometimes it's nice for others to reinforce things!

Thanks again! /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif 

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