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The Future of Ski boats.....


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  • Baller

I agree with more refineries and more Nukes.  More refineries would help eliminate the massive bottle neck of the availible supply.  We actually turn away oil and ship domestic oil overseas because we can't refine it fast enough.  So, if we are at 100% refining capacity, the demand can go up all it wants to, we won't be able to supply anymore than 100%.  This makes price fixing much easier at the distribution level.  No offense, and I have no hard eveidence; but, I tend to believe more of this goes on than anyone knows.

As for hybrids, electric vehicles and cable ski courses, bring them on...we just need more Nukes to support them. 

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  • Baller
No, oil won't stay below 50. (don't remember who made the comment to me).  It is a cycle that happens over and over and over.  Kind of like buying the newest ski on the market and expecting to run that next hardest pass. jth send me your address, got something for ya.
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  • Baller_

I heard that OPEC is targeting $75 / barrel.  They plan on cutting production to get to that.  Interesting side comment was that Asia and particularly China will be the key to consumption and ultimate price, no longer the USA.  At $75/barrel the estimate was just under $3/gallon here in the USA.  Seems to me that is probably the price that will just keep us hooked on OPEC oil.

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  • Baller


 I love $75 per barrel oil!!






When I become independantly wealthy, I am going to float icebergs from the Artic to get drinking water for the farmers in the desert too. They are thirsty after farming and snow skiing.


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You would think they could build a indoor slalom meca at $75.

If there is a reason to get a Electric boat, it is so we quit sending our cash over to those clowns. I can buy into that but not this global warming crap. If Clinton or Bush would have been stresing that to the americam public 15 years ago, we would not be in this mess. But AL Whore gets to the public first with all his ice melting global warming crap and here we are.

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The in's and outs of tow boats.

The promo system is going to have some rough roads for the next year or two for all manufacturers. There is a significant number of boats that go to the open market not to private lakes and with the economy the way it is buyers are scarse. So you will see a bunch of familiar boats next season. So the speed control device discussions will continue.

Cost of the boats has gotten up there. But the market demands confort,techy,and safe boats that handle and do not chine lock comming out of the turn island.Emmision controls have cost the manufacturers a ton of dough to become compliant.

There were some commits on noise levels in some of the discussions. I know with Malibu the have different options for noise reduction. I have found it is best to do it all. To have a quiet boat adds $$$$$$ to cost also.I know I would not want to Drive, Judge, or Safety in a boat for two or three hours that was banging my head. 

With gas prices flectuating  ask your tournament promoters what boats use the least amount of fuel per hour, before buying  your next boat.



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Bill Wrote,

"So you will see a bunch of familiar boats next season".

I know most promo people wont pull with 08s. The Promo people loose lots of $$ in depreciation if they carry into the following year and add hours to it. Lots of Promo guys on here, I would like to see a poll of who will pull>

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  • Administrators


IF you can form and actual question in english I would be happy to conduct a poll. In fact if you paid attention you could do it youself.

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  • Baller_
The Lithium Ion batteries that will power the Chevy Volt have been sourced.  That should make an electric boat one step closer to reality as there will be an enourmous amount of work done to validate them for commerical vehicle use. 
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