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waterski industry stimulus package


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In our current economic environment everyone is worried. I know that there are readers of BallOfSpray that have real concerns about their jobs. Personally, I am in good shape but did just lose all my overtime. If your job is secure and you do not need to draw from investments any time soon, there is a pretty good chance that your personal finance is not really affected by what is going on.

If this is you, if your job is solid and your cash flow is the same as it was last year I want to encourage spend some money on ski gear. Think of this as a waterski industry stimulus package.

Skis, boats, gloves or whatever. If you can justify it, if you can hide it or explain it to your wife, this is a good time go get off that old ski. If you are looking for a boat this is an awesome time to get one. Dealers are crying for customers and used boats can be had for a steal.

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  • Baller
My 401k is down over 30%.  My real estate agent tells me my house is worth 20% less or more.  When boat prices start to reflect the reality of the deflation we are experiencing, they will start to sell.  Shoot the messenger if you must but, boats are a luxury and their current value is at least 1/3 less than before the economic storm.  We all just need to settle for treading water until we can start moving forward again.  The good news is that you will be able, soon, to buy new boats for 1/3 less and can, without relative loss, take 1/3 less on the sale of used boats. 
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  • Baller_
It actually worked pretty good. It got a little wet around the ears and the back of my neck. I use a neoprene headband over to keep it on. The second set I wore another beanie type hat underneath, kept my head warm. As a M4 skier I don't have as much hair as I used to. Aerosol Plastic-dip, I think it was an $8 can.
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  • Baller

Just checked this thread out. One comment was "my 401k is down 30% and my house is down 20% in value so it is no time to buy a boat." Well, if you are 63 and trying to sell your house it is a huge problem. If you are 33, have a secure job, and plan on staying in your home it is a heck of a time to buy a boat.


I am not trying to be a smart alec, and there are many people really hurting. I am just making the point that you are supposed to buy low and sell high. If you are in position to by something it is your market and you would be helping the industry as well.


My 0.02 worth. (Soon to be worth 0.01 if porkulous goes through)


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