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How to sell a ski?


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What's the best way to sell a ski?  I've actually never had one survive to the point of selling it!  (If anybody wants a broken 9100 or a severely delaminating 9600 for decoration or something, let me know!)

But I have decided the 68" Fischer Yellow is not for me (mostly too big) and would like to sell it.  Recommendations on how to make this happen?

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  • Baller

I'm interested in the broken skis. Seriously! I have molds and resin and can try to fix anything. Really I'm interested in a 9800 in a 65" or 66" length but the 9100 or 9600 might be fun to play with. Kirk has outgrown his 64" 9800 and needs a bit bigger ski. Email me if you want to get rid of the broken skis for cheap. eleeski at aol dot com.

On a side note, Kirk's slalom performance has deteriorated and he's not having much fun with it. Any ideas on how to get him fired up again? I was hoping testing some skis might help (hence the need for cheap fixer skis). But any other techniques to interest teenagers would help. (He's still excited about tricks so he'll be having to slalom for the overall).

Thanks, Eric

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If I hear that you have taken a broken ski, tried to glue it together and given it to Kirk - I will drive down there and personally beat you bloody with it. Just because you enjoy skiing on odd crap does not mean you should do the same thing to your Kirk. He is a good skier and a great kid. Get him to ski with other kids his age, get him some coaching and get him a good ski. Last time I saw him ski it looked like a drunk had moved his fin and bindings around.

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  • Baller

Kirk's "odd crap" trick ski took him to a B3 medal at Nationals. If he'd been on one of my slaloms at least he would have had an excuse. Unless the Carbonfin was the root of the problem...

My slalom scores are way down this year - I really wanted to try some skis to expand my skills. Plus the recreational engineering of repairing a Goode might be fun.

John, if Kirk skis better any ski, he can have it - "odd crap" or factory $pecial. Besides if it forces you to come down and visit - for whatever reason - that's OK.



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Trick skis bla bla bla. I have made 2 and both were great hand trick skis. Trick skis are easy to make. If I can do it a blind drunk monkey can make a trick ski. I would be happy to ski with Kirk but you live in freaking Argentina .
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