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32 Accounts


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A copy of 32 Accounts arrived in today's mail; my wife and I sat down and watched it tonight after dinner.  Being quite familiar with the details of Aidan Willers' 2008 arm-through-handle injury, and knowing (from the trailer) that it would be discussed during this film I wasn't surprised by that segment.  My wife, on the other hand, had no idea what was coming - and as it unfolded on the TV she began sobbing.  She says that seeing his severely scarred arm and hearing the description of his accident brought up a flood of memories from when I had a nearly identical accident in 2006.  That injury was, as the emergency room physician told us, just about as bad as it gets.

Right before my first surgery our orthopedic surgeon said to my wife, "Remember from your wedding vows the part about 'for better or for worse'?  This is the 'for worse' part."

This footage can be found within the segment featuring Nicole Aurthur (Aidan's wife).  Anyone who thinks they're too good a skier to suffer such an injury needs to pay attention to this segment.  Anyone who imagines that they're safe because they'll "just throw the handle away in a fall" should listen to Aidan describe his fall.  And anyone who looks at his ruined arm and figures that arm-through-handle injuries are so rare it's worth the gamble is, in my frank opinion, stupid.


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  • Baller

I have been using an AG for nearly the whole season this year.  I don't recall the last time I missed the handle because of it.  It is no longer a factor.  I sometimes grab the little rubber band in the middle but it just liking get spray faced in the turns and any of the other little things that happen when you slalom.  You just adjust to it and keep on going.  One nice benefit is mine mounts off-center of the bridle a little so that when it drags behind the boat after a fall it doesn't twirl the main line.

In the last three years I have seen two guys get their arms through the handle and another get his ski in it all at our site.  Skiing is a lot of fun but it's not for money.  If you have a bad arm through the handle fall you may end up parting with your fun and your money.

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