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Promote BallOfSpray!?!? You! Yeah you!  Win prizes while you are at it. If you can call a national radio show and talk about BallOfSpray, you could win a copy of Terry Winter’s new “Slalom Visual Training Video”. Can you mow crop circles in a corn field with the BallOfSpray logo? If you can do that and get on the news there may be a T-Shirt or two in it for you. Can you get me an invite to the Playboy mansion? My wife will kill us both. Are you willing to paint the BallOfSpray logo on your car? Do it and send a photo! 

Maybe the above ideas are ambitious but you get the idea. You have until Jan 1 to impress the judges with the most successful or legitimately funny attempt to promote BallOfSpray.  Party on Garth!

  • Baller

Send me some decals and I'll put em on my cars and skis.  Send me a t-shirt and I'll wear it at least once a week./vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif

How to tell the difference between a photoshopped entry and a legit one?  Actually, that might be pretty funny - see what wacky stuff someone could come up with real, or not.  BallofSpray.com on the side of a cow, for example.
  • Administrators

Ok I jumped the gun. You have till 1/1/10

If you use PhotoShop and it the best thing I have ever seen . . .  What the heck. I would rather that someone really promote BOS but there are no rules.  If you do not like the prize offered I will find some thing you want. No I will not send anyone a dozen t-shirts  . . .

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