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Whats the Word on the Goode Mid Ride

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Ok , heres my problem ,I do not seem to be able to find a suitable replacement for my sixam 2 point, I was wondering if the Goode Mid Ride is likely to fit the bill, being wider like the 2 point but not to wide like the wide ride, anybody stood on one of these yet, would be interested to know your thoughts.

best regards

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  • Baller

Hi     Height 5'6  175 lbs  + or -  trying to lose weight but yo yo a lot, speed 34mph.

Tried the Z7 didnt get on with it ,same with the strada or tho I was on the 66" I think it was too small, tried the elite and it is a contender but I would have to tinker with the fin a lot to get it right, the fin block adjustment is a nightmare ,takes forever, and the ski has very sharp edges which destroys your line unless you have protection on it. I have weird fin setups because of the way I ski I guess, normally run fin deeper than most as well as fwd with added tip.

The 66" sixam 2 point is the only ski that has really worked for me.

I am working on the fact that the Goode is manafactured to your Height/ Weight and Speed.

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scotchipman wrote: "... HO, D3, O'brien, and Connelly skis after a lot of use which on AVERAGE break down quicker over time..."

Whoa, hold there on a minute!  We all know of your faithful loyalty to Goode, Scot, but you're not doing anyone a service by trash-talking other ski companies without solid evidence - apocryphal or otherwise -  to support such claims.

I can't speak directly to Connelly or D3 because I've never owned either, but I have owned many O'Briens and HOs - as have all my ski partners - and I have NEVER seen them "break down".  I have an OB Pulse from the 90's that I still use for many lower-level guests, and I could ski on it today (well not today exactly, since the top 10 inches of our water is still kind of hard).  We do have quite a few Kidder skis around [forerunner to the D3 brand] and they still appear to be solid as a rock after a couple of decades - one 80's Kidder Redline in particular is being skied on to this day.

I've never owned a Goode, and it's very likely I never will.  From what I read about them - and from the skiers I've seen using them -they are probably a great performing ski.  But their customer service and warranty issues have earned them a very spotty reputation, and that is an undeniable fact.  Having a 3 1/2- to 4-month ski season I can't afford the weeks of downtime commonly reported by disgruntled Goode customers waiting for them to  evaluate whether or not they should honor their warranty - not to mention the shipping cost associated with said evaluation.  And really, is it reasonable to declare that putting your ski on [on the platform] without a towel under it should be cause to void the warranty?

Meanwhile, I know from personal experience if I break an HO or O'Brien - or RADAR (no point leaving them out) that I can email them a photo of the damaged ski and I'll have a brand-new replacement coming via Fed-Ex that week!  Two summers ago one of my partners broke a 4-year-old O'Brien Sixam 2, and all it took was one email (with photos) to get a new one within a week.  He didn't have to send it back for "evaluation"; he just threw it away (we salvaged the fin for our parts box).  Based on everything I've read about Goode's warranty policies one could never expect that sort of service - NEVER.

I wouldn't argue with the success rate of Goode owners as far as skiing goes, and I personally would love to try their skis out.  But I can't afford their customer service policies, and for me that's the bottom line.


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  • Baller

Whoops ! Sorry for opening this discussion, I was genuinely interested in the performance of the Goode Mid Ride, I am aware of the other issues, and that would have to be a personal decision, I would intend to use it with D3 binding, maybe the Strada Boot with RTP mounted on a power plate with 250/250 lock, other manafacturers do not always put effort into producing a ski for the 34mph skiers of various height and weight, the O,Brien Sixam 2 point was a great ski designed for 34mph, but no longer produced, I understand that commercially it,s probably not worth it, but surely the sixam 2 point mould is sitting in the corner somewhere gathering dust, it needs no development, just manafacturing and I guess there is still a fair number of skiers that would purchase one, a fair few trophy,s were won with it.

P.S      O,Brien please do something with your FIN BLOCK it is not user friendly. In comparison to others, I would describe it as horrendous.


Apologies Mr Horton will not do it again.


Best regards

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My biggest fear with that is, since merely putting on your Goode on while on a bare ski platform voids the warranty, how would they feel about bending it in a flex tester with a hydraulic jack?  That's something a guy might want to keep secret...

In any event, if I understand your argument correctly, it sounds like you're saying that a customer can rely on a Goode remaining very consistent (performance-wise) right up until the day it breaks - and then you're screwed.  On the other hand, HOs / O'Briens / Radars/ Connellys may "break down" over years and years of use (we don't know for sure), but if they ever actual break the manufacturer is far more likely to replace them no questions asked...that about right?

I guess I'm still comfortable with my decision to not buy a Goode.


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Ya, I have to agree with what TW is saying. I have not owned a Goode and because of the many, many customer service issues and Breaks that I have read or heard of, I too will probably never own a Goode totally because of this. As Scot said, the other co.'s have certainly closed the gap on perf. and they also have a much better C/S track record.... How does a percieved  Break down of a ski effect the value or perf. for all these guy's who change ski's like the weather anyway? 

For the ave. Joe (me) I could Not even begin to kick dn. the hard earned cash needed to own a Goode in hopes of "another Buoy" and have to worry about breaking it or ??? and then them needing to "evaluate" it, etc... The pro's and other top performers that fair very well in tourney's on these, surely have NO problems with C/S as they are Goodes main form of marketing. So their experiences are really inadmissable! Besides, most pro's could and would out ski most of us using a stick from the 90's or probably even the 80's anyway! So how does it really matter what their on? Heck, IMO, Goode opened the door for H.O. Connelly, Obrian, Radar to sell ski's for $1200.00 so, that's "Good" for them and maybe not so "Good" for the rest of u$!

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Ok Back to the orignal topic, questions about the mid wide?? I have been skiing on the new mid wide since last October. I mounted it up in a record tournament and skied very good on it. It is the perfect combination for those who do not like the wide ride and are looking for a little more stability than the traditional ski. The tip of the ski stays up during the turn and allows the ski to keep moving. I think this ski is awesome for 34 mph skiers who are looking to maintain speed thoughout the turn. I am on the 65 inch and weigh about 185 pounds, this ski is incredibly fast across the course and will turn on a dime. I also skied on a wide ride last year. Although I really liked the wide ride, I always felt like I was skiing buoy to buoy and did not create any space in front of the buoy as you do on a traditional ski. This mid wide allows you to create space in front of the buoy and gives you a shorter radius turn similar to the wide ride. I am actually having fun skiing on it and look forward to getting on the water everyday. If you are in the market for a new ski it is definately worth a try.


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  • Baller


I am more interested in whether the Mid Ride can accomodate all styles of skiing, how well does the asymetric ski work , normally my offside turn is better than my onside would this be affected by the asymetric properties, the good news is that, as already stated the ski accelerates well across course and "turns on a dime" , encouraging.  How forgiving is it, perfect position is not one of my best attributes.

 Best regards

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I watched a top BD skier down in DFW ski on the mid (hot off the shelf) this weekend. He looked very comfortable on the ski for having only a few sets on it. As Chad said, if you are looking to keep speed, this is a good ski for that. This skier has had back issues in the past and was a grab the handle and pause kind of skier. I was very impressed with how well he brought the ski around and stayed moving. It looks like there is a very large flat, sweet spot on the ski. He also was using the power vest and had nothing but compliments about how well his back feels after lots of sets.

I wanted to mount it up but I hate Velcro and have 2 seperate plates for my Approach/wiley set up.   

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  • Baller
Scot, A close friend of mine got the same bs from Goode about putting his couple of month old 9800 on while on the platform after the bottom started to delaminate. You could push on the bottom with one finger and see it buckle and hear a loud creak. So it's more than a rumor.
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As for forgiving, I think the ski is very forgiving. The added with to the ski makes the ski more forgiving. It allows you to move around a little and not effect the ski as much as a traditional skinnier ski would. As far as settings bindings 29 1/4 , depth 2.50, length with Slot calipers 6.825, and dft .720. I have also talked with Dean in Dallas (probably the one MS was watching this weekend) and he is having the same experience on the ski, Loves it!!!!  Definately worth a try.
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the D3 and the HO fin clamps have set screws that are easy two work with. All the other brands are not as easy. Not that big of a deal.

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  • Baller
Thanks Skidawg! It was one Walmart tag on a hat (and I thought he didn't know it was there) and the car was loaned to Fritz who may have delayed returning it. Horton, I am warning you, I just transferred a VHS tape to DVD. You are in it several times. May I remind you of the bumble bee?
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  • Baller

What is the deal with swim step platforms and warranties? Is any ski so tough that it damages the platform? And why does Brent single out Goode to make him fix the platform? Isn't that Correct Craft's issue?

Wait, can I get in on that? My old Nautique platform is really beaten up. I'll send Goode the bill to fix it. Maybe that will solve whatever warranty reputation issues he has.

What. Really! The ski! You're kidding. That's ridiculous.

I'm never going to sell my skis to the general public.


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Ya, I'm with Brent, Goode has A Lot of ground to make up in the eye's or perception of many.

These Boards are a very powerful means to promote a product and it's reputation, or Not. Between all the Members and "Lurkers" of many sites, All companies would do themselves a HUGE favor by staying proactive with their P/R's by staying active on these sites Like Eddie @ Radar or Adam @ O'brian and using these sites to better their their products  and their reputations. (Real or perceived)

My hope is that ALL Neg. comments can and will be used to create a Better product and support, not just a waisted avenue for whining...    

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  • Baller

I recently had a warranty issue after one year and they not only replaced the product without charge but Fed-Ex'ed a replacement immediately. Working with Mary at customer service was a real pleasure.

Now if I could get them to make a 67" Mid-Ride?

Regards,  ED

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  • Baller

lets hope Goode is changing their policies but i have never had them warranty anything. the first wide ride i purchased is the delaminated ski apparently caused by donning it on a bare platform. they fixed it by patching in epoxy and repainting it at my shipping expense both ways. i proceeded to break the power shell 5 binding plate, the binding heel plate, and on three occasions the flat square nuts holding the boots to the bindings plates bent or broke at minimum two at a time. none of this was replaced or even discounted even with the extra warranty on the ski. i ski like crap on other skis and have purchased another wide ride and will try a mid as soon as our water warms up but, mary being nice is the only good thing i can say about their customer service.

on the topic of this thread i think the mid will soften the hard snap you have with the stiffer flex wide ride at the finish of the turn past the buoy. the wide ride is great for scrappers in the course but can bite you when the scrapper has time to get on the front of the ski in the pre turn. if you have ridden the wide ride and like the stability in and thru the turn but have stalled it coming out i think the mid will work very well. i cant wait to try one.

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  • Baller
I am not a fan of Goodes policy, but have to say that I just received a call from a friend whom I brought a Mid Ride from the US a couple of weeks ago, he just set his PB at 1@38off on his very first set on the ski... We were togheter at a tournment here in Brazil last weekend and the best he did after 3 attempts was 1@35off on his old 9900. Its important to note that his PB was made at his home lake where he usually does 3 or 4@35off.
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  • Baller

 "I am going to do it" as soon as I get back off of holiday, Yes I am going to ignore all the negative comments and hopefully enjoy the good, I am going to buy buy a Goode Mid Ride, I,m going to use the Goode Dual Lock with STRADA Front and RTP , everybody knows how well I look after my Kit, after every set the ski goes into a sock and in the bag, I,m going to play fair and square, if I have a genuine problem with the ski, I hope that, I am treated in a genuine and fair manner.

Lets Go Ski!

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If you read this or the other forums, you have heard it all before. I am growing especially tired of posts by skiers that are relating second hand stories. If you have never owned a Goode, I really do not want to hear a peep from you about Goode.

If you personally have had a new issue with any ski company we are all listening. Otherwise can we please move on?

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  • Baller

I have not made a comment to this point on this because I don't have a dog in the fight.  That being said, I have persanally witnessed some of the issues mentioned by others.  Because of those issues, I have chosen to spend my money with other company's.  While I agree with John on keeping things first hand, I hope people do not stop posting factual information on ANY company's equipment and service that don't perform as advertised I know that because of what I have read, it has validated what I have seen and heard in my own little corner of the world.

My two cents..................OF


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Well if we are back to the subject of the Mid WIde, I want to say that even as the water is starting to warm up down here in south Louisiana, the ski continues to feel really good. I am also getting the same sort of reports from Dean in Dallas who is continuing to enjoy his mid wide as well. If someone is looking for a new ski to try, this mid wide is definalely worth the try. As for all of the negative discussions regarding Goode's customer service, I have seen Dave go above and beyond with several individuals in this area regarding skl issues, several that were not and should not have been covered by the warranty and Dave stepped up and helped these customers out. If you are looking to purchase a new ski, draw upon your own experiences and not the experiences that people are hearing about second and third hand. I have been on Goode Skis since the 9100 and have not had issues with the skis as long as you take care of them and use the system as Dave recommends that it be used. Bottom Line is if the ski performs for you and you are skiing to your potential on the ski then it is worth riding. If you are looking for the latest a greatest as we all do each ski year then I would recommend giving the mid wide a go and see for yourself.
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  • Baller


Agree with Scot that the Wide-Ride is a good choice. I am 6'4" @ 235 and have been on the 66" Wide for 2 seasons and Love it. Although, by Nationals in Aug, I plan to be down to 220 and order the Mid-Ride.

For years I rode the 9100 - 9700 67" Goode's weighing 240-250lbs with no problems. Currently the 67.25 9900 is 362.35 sq. inches and the 66" Mid is larger at 367.35 sq. inches. I believe you would do fine on the Mid-Ride and would suggest you consider trying it. I believe it would handle any rough water better than the Wide at your weight, which is a reason why I plan to switch to it after Nationals.

Regards,  ED
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I was wondering what settings some of you guys are using with the mid ride.?  I was trying one for a few weeks but was inconsistent.  Good speed behind the boat but turns were maybe a little too aggressive and causing me to break at the waist alot?  I have the fin set as it came from the factory, and boots are at 29 and 1/8th inch per their recommendation.  (It is a 66 inch 228 amp mid ride...I am 6'1 and 210 )  ..  Thanks
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  • Baller

Scott and Ed,

Thank you for your advise! One other question regarding the dual lock. I run a Reflex front / Wiley rear, and would prefer to rely on those for release. how much/ what #? I see Dave recommends 250 - 250?

Thanks again!!

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