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Chris Parish sets new pending world record 2@43 End of course video


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Watching frame-by-frame, immediately following his wakecrossing, his ski track appears to be downcourse of the left-hand 3-ball gate (IMO), but obviously the boat and tower judges would have a better view than a video of a video screen...

I was really just curious about what the ties of the record looked like, and if this was one of them.



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  • Baller
Amazing boat path @ 41! Does anyone know who was driving?  Congrats to CP for some phenomonal skiing! Looks like he went between the boat guides at 3 ball. Is that everyone else sees? No matter what, it still counts.
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  • Baller
I was in the tower for all 43 attempts including the record run - the end course video isn't the best way to determine.  The video from the boat clearly shows.  His 1-ball at 43 was incredible - there is a picture of him at 1-ball with 1 1/2 fingers on the rope - simply amazing!
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I've got video I shot from shore, just next to 2 ball at 43. I haven't downloaded it yet but from the near side, obvious he skied away from 2ball then through the boat guides. There were 5+senior judges in the tower and a very experienced senior judge in the boat. Yes, only 2 judges were working and making the call per the rules but it was pretty clear that it needed to be the correct call; as it was called as well.

The real videos will start coming out soon as obviously this video was from an iphone filming a vhs tape played on a 19" tv screen!

Dave Goode also has some great video he shot. He was standing about 15' to my left ankle deep in the water, I suspect the judges camera video will make it out in due time.

 Edit: That 200 was on rails. We were watching boat path video live the whole tournament. Wow that thing was impressive. Chad mentioned CP actually feels not as heavy on the boat, even the Malibu, as you would expect as CP works in the proper spots on the boat.

Edit #2: All the ties on Saturday, he turned 2 ball and tried to ski away and the handle popped out. One of them, the handle slung back into the boat for a very loud THUMP. Everyone groaned and kinda cheered. If he skis away, he's got it. Of course getting back through the boat guides.


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  • Baller_

Congradulations goes out to Chris!

Chad Scot was driving. Boat path looks pretty good at the 41 off pass. That is the pass that will get scrutenizd along with the 39 before that. The 43 looks good.

Chris is an amazing skier. However he does not work the boat as hard as one would think he would. Their are many a 39 off men 3 and 4 that will work a boat harder than most of the top world level open men.

Thanks for posting the video!


Regina will be taking a poke at the womens world record this weekend at the Picko's SuperStars in Santa Rosa Beach, florida. 


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  • Baller

On Saturday, he tied the record twice - photos and video to come.  On both of those runs he couldn't hold on to the slack hit after 2-ball and ended up falling.  The pending world record run looks like a much better turn at 2-ball as he skied away. 

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  • Baller

IWWF Ratifies Parrish's World Record·         Posted by: usaws·         On: 06/27/2010 13:23:37·         In: Water SkiingThe International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation's Technical Committee has ratified U.S. water ski athlete Chris Parrish's pending men's world slalom record of 2 buoys at 43 feet off set on June 13 at the Ski Ranch June Tour 2 in Covington, La. The record surpasses the old world record of 1-1/2 buoys at 43 feet off that Parrish set in 2005.On June 12, Parrish recorded scores of 4-1/2 buoys at 41 feet off and 1-1/2 buoys at 43 feet off (twice) before posting the 2 at 43 off mark on June13. "I wanted this record bad," said Parrish, who set the new record behind the Ski Nautique 200. "I spent the entire week at the Ski Ranch getting dialed in. I had been skiing out of my mind so it felt great to be able to put everything together on Sunday."

Officially in the books



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  • Baller

Awesome! I thought the 41 boat path looked very good; but was not sure about the 43 as the boat seemed to end up on the 2 ball side and stay there. I knew we needed to wait for the computer analysis though as the 200 is so wide that it can appear to be off more than it really is. The software only looks at the pylon position of course and we as humans tend to take in the whole picture.

Contrats to Chris (and Chat Scott's driving); well done!


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  • Baller
I have always used both palms down to get up but then switch before I start my pullout. I thought this was the way that almost everyone did it. It seems much easier and less strain on the arms and elbows when getting up. I don't think I would be comfortable switching after pulling out. But I have ended up with both palms down in the middle of the course and it completely screwed me up.
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  • Baller

I've noticed that he's changed his gate in a couple of ways since last year. The two overhanded pull out may have to do with helping to keep his shoulders level. Also, he used to reach into the gates at the turn-in and then ski under the rope; now he leaves his hands/arms stationary and just skis under the rope with his lower body. All this probably promotes a more consistent gate for him. Whatever it does, it seems to be working :)

Wade Cox used to pull out this way.

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