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Goode - which one?


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Now ya tell me. I went by the Goode amp chart. 5'10" 175 = 168amp 63.75".


Any other Goode owners on here? Seems like everything that touches this ski leaves a mark. Even my fin protector left a mark. I got it on ski-it-again and it had the black/white DL on it. I removed it with the 3M citrus remover and it bubbled up the top of the ski. Did a good job of smoothing it out, but wondering if this is normal.... My Z7 is just about indestructible.

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  • Baller

Yea, I take immaculate care of my Goode but I somehow manage to scuff and scratch the heck out of it.  I have handle popped it bad about three times, blowing out the side once.  Getting good at epoxy repairs.  Poor ski.  I got my ski on ski-it-again and also had problems removing the black DL.  I used everything at Lowes and few things I found under the sink.  Took me all afternoon but finally got it off. 

I now use the white and have no problems, nothing needed to remove the tape.

By the way, I saw Terry Winter's Connelly ski two years ago and it was hammered, scuffs, scratches and gouges all over the bottom.  Same thing with my buddy who skis open, his ski is beat up.  Doesn't seem to matter.

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Going back to the Z7 for now. After tournaments are over, I may try the 65" Mid and/or an A1. I agree with scoke that the 63 was probably too small for me. Seemed like the better gate I got at 38, the more it stalled at the end of the 1 ball turn (on-side). Off side was friggin amazing. I could rip the turn and it would still accelerate. The absolutely impressed me, but might have been a little too small for my size and aggressive style.
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  • Baller
I had the same tip rise on both sides the first few times I rode mine (63.75).  I moved the binders back 1/2 an inch and the rise went away and the ski felt much better.  I have Connelly Enzo bindings with the open heel so the measurement is guesswork.  The 1/2 inch backward move came when I decided to measure inside the binding to my true heel.  The ski went from feeling OK to feeling fantastic.  I normally run 1 or 2 38s a month and have now run 6 in two weeks on this ski after running two this weekend. 
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  • Baller

It surprised me also.  The ski wasn't feeling great the first few sets.  We shot some video and I started seeing the rise at 35 and it was even worse at 38.  I was already unsure about the binding placement and decided I needed to get that right before doing much fin work.  That is when I decided to use my true heel for the measurement and that put me 1/2 an inch back from my starting point.  Using that measuring point, I was at 29" from the tail.  I decided to go with it.  I was expecting to fall out the back.  After my 28, all I could say was WOW.  Same after the 32.  My 35 is normally scrappy, but it was realtively easy also.  I then went deep 38 a few times.  After a few sets, I started to knock out some 38s and typically going deep if not running it.  I have since gone one more hole back and am measuring 28.75 from the tail.  I was told that Chet Raley likes the binders pretty far back on the mid also.

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I have a theory.  /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-smile.gif  (I'm always good for a theory; facts are a little tougher for me...)

I've noticed it's very possible to instinctively overcompensate for something that is out of whack.  If it ultimately turns out that the best position is pretty far back, that could mean the "standard" position is tending to bury the front of the ski.  I believe an experienced skier will feel that and automatically try to shift weight back to compensate.  But since the boots aren't actually in the "right" place that results in rocking back and taking the tip way up.

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After going all the way around the world with settings (very unlike me), I found one that works. I was trying to run with no depth like a few other well known skier were doing (all the way down to 2.400 depth). For some reason, I always ended up with tip rise. It turns out, I was trying to stop it from over turning. There were times where I swear I was 90* and it was still accelerating, I just could not hold it across.


So, I thought I would try to take all the turn out of it. Went to 2.515 depth and 0.58 DFT. Well, now it is perfect! I have a feeling, like ya'll said, that the 63.75 is borderline too small. However, while I need to be patient and the longer lines (32), it works awesome at 38! We held a Wed afternoon/night tournament last night. One pass I came into 4 in perfect shape, just climbed on the front too much.


So, yea it may be too small, but if it works great at the short line, who cares?!

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