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Camera Mounted on Ski First Try - Raw Footage


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I have a GoPro and hate the user interface

The two passes I ran with the camera, I was looking down at the camera at every ball, afraid of it falling off ..... good thing there was not a camera in the boat. Not pretty.

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Cool stuff John, just in case you don't know, the camera doesn't float. I velcroed a piece of foam insulation to mine so it floats. The other thing is that the GoPro mount sucks and when crossing the wakes the camera moves up and down. I've started velcroing the camera directly to the ski using shaped pieces of styrofoam. Here's a video of the camera on the tip of the ski looking back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bwbsw5WCuo (I've since changed the angle of my styrofoam to better frame the skier.) I also tried mounting the camera directly on the binding but the rope interfered with it while getting out of the water. I agree that the interface sucks, I have to constantly refer back to the paperwork to set it up for different types of shots. Keep posting these videos, they are very entertaining!
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