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What are you working  on?

A week ago I saw this http://www.youtube.com/user/BallOfSpray#p/u/35/4QI7Q1Op6F8  It was the first video of myself in months.  

Could be worse but I was not super happy. Running passes easy enough but with way too much action in my upper body at the ball line, letting the handle out way too fast and snatching it back too fast. There are a number of issues here but I am most irritated with the rate at which I let the handle out.

My solution is to simply be aware of where the handle is at all times.  Not trying to move it but just thinking about it.  (Another idea from “The Inner Game of Tennis”)

So what you guys working on?

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Same type of issue, slow handle reach (top hand needs to be turned at least vertical not knuckles up on the reach) and look down the line & back arm pressure.  I think the slow handle helps with keeping your movement outbound, taking the handle with you, counter rotation and level shoulders which all translates into a better turn, tighter line and hook up.  Concentrating on back arm pressure keeps me more open to the boat through the wakes and a better edge change.
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Holy crap - I think it would be easier for me to list what I am NOT working on. Let's see, my right foot goes in the front binding. That seems to be the only thing I am not thinking about when I ski. This time of year, I can't seem to concentrate on only one or two things. I pull out for the gates and I either: A) Draw a complete blank and come down with instant skiing amnesia (most typical at a tournament)- OR - B) I go into thought overload and my brain is flooded with all kinds of stuff....did I pull out far enough to get a good start, k now...be aggressive through the gates so I can set the tone for the rest of the course, back arm pressure (I tend to pull with front arm when I scramble), keep my elbows in as long as I can, oh crap-reach up, don't grab to soon, let the ski finish..........and it goes that way for 6 turns.

Even though I get mental, I still love it and have been addicted for 9 years!

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Horton - I'm working on something similar to your point about letting the handle out too fast that is really working for me. At the end of the edge change I want to still be on the line such that I can really feel myself "letting myself ski away from the handle into my extension". It's just a consciousness of the load after I've change edges, but am still traveling out. It feels like I am letting myself down from a one-arm pull-up (not that I can do one-arm pull-ups, but you get the idea). Works every time, all the time. If you edge change and then are free from the line, the boat is no longer taking you out. It's like when someone pulls out at the end of the lake hard then lets up into a bunch of slack. They don't go far. But if you pullout and stay connected, the boat takes you out much further. Check out that video of Rossi in slow mo where he's talking about his offseason, the new ski, etc. you can really see him doing this very well.


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Two questions:

1) Is that 38 or 40 mph?

2) Why are you still wearing those shorts?

Couldn't resist making fun of Horton. I need to work on what JimBrake wrote. I find my handle control is worse on my good side pull into my toe side turn. At the moment, I am trying change where I look. I want to work on this until it is habit.

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I have three different things I am working on. 1 get high on the boat for the entrance gates. This is particularly important for me at my tougher line lengths. 2. Be patient with the handle and don't rush back to the handle at the end of the turns. 3. At 32 and 35 off don't pull too long. I tend to feel I won't get wide enough and pull long. If I work hard behind the boat I can change edges off the second wake and I have enough speed to get the width I need. I don't always believe yet though.
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I try to think of the four “Tâ€s to say while skiing.



I posted this on a different forum, but since you asked what I’m working on, I’ll post it here also.



Tight – When you say tight, it is to remind you to keep your hips up, shoulders back and arms tight and controlled to your vest. Practice with a handle on dry land. As you do it, repeat “tightâ€. That one word should come to represent the whole package.



Tall – Tall means tall! Your hips are up over your bindings and you are as tall as you can be. Get tall before the gates and tall before every buoy. Get tall!



Target – Come out of the buoy and look for your target. You pull towards you target. Your ski will change edges and you will still be heading for your target on the other side of your ski.



Tempo (or timing) – Try to relax throughout the whole course. You will make driving the boat easier if you keep an even tempo. You can be light on the pulls or light on the line with a relaxed even tempo.



As you approach the course, say tight. As you approach the apex of your turn in for the gates, say tall. Then look at and ski toward your target. It might be from 15 to 30 before the next buoy. You will need to find what works best for you. As you head for your target, you start all over again with tight, and then approach the buoys with tall, and then out of the buoys with target. As you do all of this try to keep a relaxed tempo.



I am not capable of thinking very much while in the slalom course. I think a lot before I ski, then get in the course and within a few passes, I think a lot about how tired I am and how I did not do what I planned to do. So, through time I have tried to work on different things that I think might help. I have found that if I bundle things into one word, I can remember one word easer that a bunch of things. Sometimes I can remember three words, but as time goes on, I’m lucky to remember two words.


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Background: Have recently gotten back to running -35 "a lot" and am trying to figure out -38 again.  It's been a few years since I was really challenging -38 (injuries, etc.).

Outside the course, I'm working on getting my gate setup more consistent and effective.  I'm not sure I'm working a specific aspect of it yet -- just trying to really focus on what I am doing each time so that I can learn what is working and what isn't.  Since I haven't skied much -38 in recent years, I'm kind of re-learning my short-line gate.

Inside the course, I'm working on keeping the handle with me in the preturn and then getting a smooth reach, on both sides.  Pretty much the same things that several others mentioned, actually.  It seems there comes a point where the pulls and the turns are "good enough," but the geometry of the shorter lines dictate that the handle release details are critical.

I'm also working on tuning up my ski, since I haven't been at this level on this relatively new ski (9900SL) yet.  Just went back to factory settings, which seem pretty good, but a few minor things possibly could be better.

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would doing all your passes with one handed turns help your 35? That way you could work on your timing and technuique at the longer line passes. Skiing one hand turns and two hand turns seems like the ski would react 100% different when turning a buoy. Cannot counter with both hands on the handle


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I agree completely with "one thing at a time", but the questions is what "thing" comes first?

For example, I was having a nasty tendency to arm pull out of my on side. (Very bad for medial epicondylitis BTW) My obvious goal was to focus on getting the arms relaxed and straight. Well, I couldn't seem to stop overusing the arms until one day I tried to focus on keeping level shoulders at all costs to address another issue. Bang! As soon as the shoulders leveled out the arm issue went away without any thought or effort.

The point is that a lot of times it seems to be trial and error in working on stuff. It is difficult to get the cause fixed when you keep working on the effects.


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  • Baller

â€The inner game..†approach is truly a great way to actually feel what is happening it is also a great tool for learning new stuff and to get rid of bad habits.  My biggest problem is that as soon as there are small red balls involved, I seem to forget everything I planned to focus on, and I end up fighting like a mad man to turn all 6 of them.




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I don't know about you guys, but I think about quite a bit in 16.95 seconds. Such as...


- I really have to get new shorts, these drag too much on the pull outs.

- Dammit, too much lube in my bindings.

- Man, that was a sweet gate!

- I forgot, which palm goes up?

- Could I backside the 1 ball any closer?

- It’s only my first pass but I smell a PB today!

- Glad I adjusted my fin for this offside turn, hope it’s not too much!

- How long do I have to wait for the 2 ball?

- This ski is so much more stable than a Monza.

- Maybe I should have tried a D3?

- That was a sweet 3 ball!

- Stop looking at the buoys!

- I really like my new vest.

- The water is smooth! I should be barefooting!

- SHit! Im late at 4!

- Maybe my fin should be .0001 longer, then I would always be early.

- When’s the last time I changed the impeller?

- Ok, on cross winds to the North I need to really hold my 1-3-5 lean for .125 seconds longer, and to the South opposite.

- Oh wait, I think I have that backwards.

- Someone really needs to adjust that 5 ball.

- Why is the engine revng so much?

- Tacos and Corona sound good for dinner.

- Breathe… Breathe… Breathe…

- I could swear the 6 ball was farther down course.

- Is PP/ZO set correctly? Probably not. Stupid driver.

- Dammit, missed the gates¦ maybe they didnt notice.

- Close enough for me! Lets cut the rope!

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T-Shirt graphic version one




















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Kind of hard to see here


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  When you get the concentration thing down,pass it on.You have a captive audience here.Seems I mess up on ball 5 because I was thinking about what I did wrong on ball 3,or how easy the pass is and I have a shot at the next line.I'm already thinking about what types of conversations I'll be having with myself today out on the lake......."Set up for the gates.......I wonder what ski lakes Lake One Skier skis on?.......heck,he might even be a member at Ski West.....damn I missed my gates".

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Best post ever, and I might consider buying that T-shirt, but since when does Cafe Press charge $30 for a T-shirt!?  That's a little harsh, although I must admit a lot cheaper than psychotherapy.

I could swear the "golf shirts" we did for my "side company" where much less than that, and I thought regular T-shirts were more like $15 from Cafe Press.

Is that like a fancy material or something?  Or am I just a Cheap Bastard?

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By the way... if you follow the above link, do not buy a t-shirt. It will be 10 days before I see the first proto-type
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the $28 is the organic cotton. the normal t-shirt is $23. is that better? I just like the colors on organic better. Trying to wear something besides black. 

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