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2010 Collegeiate Nats Pics


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  • Baller
Can't believe I'm wasn't at home for this, but Cape Town ain't so bad. Question, Who's friggen Mastercraft is on my lift? What happened to my Malibu. Momma has no regard for my stuff when I'm not home. Hopefully she didn't buy it. No respect.
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  • Baller

I know nothing!

Great time in Austin - Marc you missed some great skiing.  Story of the weekend:

Alex Lauretano (ULM) took a huge crash on jump #2.  Off the side, upside down.  She dislocated her shoulder, cut her head, hairline fractured her wrist and cut 3 fingers on her hand.  After resetting her shoulder and getting checked out by the medical staff on site, she elected to take her 3rd jump - we were amazed.  We figured she would take an easy single cut to get a score.  Not Alex.  She jumped 150 feet to win the event (5 feet short of her record of 155).  Very tough girl and a very experienced skier.  Afterward, she was taken to the hospital where they sewed up her head, glued her fingers and put a cast on her arm.  On Saturday, she borrowed a toe-trick ski and taped up her cast and toe-tricked 2940 (single pass) to take 4th in tricks. ULL may have won the event, but Alex's determination was the highlight of the weekend.

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