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Fischer \ Razor is for real.


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I have meet with the Razor guys here in Vienna and they are fired up about the ski. Think of it as Fischer 2.0. (my words not thiers) There is even a possiblity for some demo skis to tried if Razor can get groups of skiers together for test days. Yes Joe I am taking to you. I am too thin blooded to ski over here but am looking forward to a long term test in the spring. (ok maybe one or two rides this fall if I can)
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Ho zea. I forget to mention that the kezboard has all kinds of extra crap so mz tzping is worse then unsual. That is bad. Whz the Z and the Y backwards I do not know but I hate it.
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  • Baller

My bro ran 38 2 of3 rounds in a Pensacola tourney on his Razor after being on it for about 2 weeks.  First tourney ever w/multiple successful 38's for him.  We came back to MN and he ripped 38 first set back on the cold water.  I skied it a few weeks ago when forgot my D3 RCX (duh).  Was able to run back to back 35's on it first set.  Struggled at 38, but 38 is by no means a gimme for me.  On the D3 will typically get downcourse and very occasionally thru...first outing on the Razor and didn't get much past 3 ball.  Still, I thought this was positive given the differences in the ski and first outing.   I felt far from "at home" on it, but the scores pretty close to what I usuallly run right out of the box. 

Razor is fast, carries out to the ball nice, requires very little pulling effort to get across course quickly.  Lots of ski in the water at the turns and when body position is right, it is amazing.  Fairly small sweet spot in comparision to my D3, though.  Too far forward and I felt like it wanted to stop and stop quickly which got me at the3 ball at 38 where I did a complete front flip at the ball...it gave me the sensation that the forebody/tip was subtantially stiffer than my RCX.  Perhaps simply not used to it, or perhaps I move around more than my brother and get away with it on my D3.   

 I was back on my D3 later that day and felt "at home". But would expect this given it's my regular ride and have been on KD or D3 since early 90's.  I would say big rewards in store for a skier who rides the Razor w/consistently good position.  I would give it strong consideration were I buying today (would like to compare to D3 X7 and Z7 ST).


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If any groups-clubs in California want to get together for a demo day let me know. For the rest of the US, if the weather is warm enough and you can get 10 or so skiers, I am pretty sure Volker would make it happen.

I can see 2011 is going to be bad for me. I already see 4 skis I plan to shake down. No wonder my scores are not going up.

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