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How do we really want to ski? Who do we want to ski like and why?


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Jody if pure "Go For It" was all that was needed I would run 43.















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  • Baller
I also wonder about how many times a particular person has been  through the course in their skiing career bears on the technique. I unfortunately have only been skiing a course for about 3 seasons seriously. I won't admit it but I am probably to old to come up with any great athletic talent to overcome my lack of time on the water.  Hence I watch people ski and try to figure out what they do that seems to work for me versus things that don't. There has to be a point at which a wealth of experience can enable somebody to overcome things that would stop we begineers in our tracks. There is also the god given talent factor in there but there's not much I can do about that.  I was really suprised to hear Will Asher in one of his interviews say that he only did about 3 sets a day for training.  With this in mind I was wondering about how many passes he had actually run since starting skiing. I seem to remember from talking to him at the Denver boat show a couple of times that he has been skiing most of his life. Might be interesting to get some idea of how many passes people estimate they have skied to get to the level they are at. BTW Horton that spray looks like there's a 43 in there somewhere!!! Love the picture.
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I would say that you can run a million passes but if your focus is wrong you are doomed. In my life time I have rounded a crazy number of balls, yet I run 38 only once in a blue moon. I would say that skiing less but skiing with the right focus is way better than the other way around.
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  • Baller
Here is my 2 cents for what it is werth. I feel that quality over quantity is the major thing. That being said I ski in Colorado and with being away at school and our lake being an irrigation reservoir we can only ski from Memorial day to Labor day. As a result when I am at the lake I ski and ski and ski. I take like a minimum of five sets a day. I mostly only get weekends too so its not a week long five sets a day thing. I have always felt that if I had a longer ski season and could ski the same number of sets but spread out over more days I would improve a lot more. I am truely jealous of people who get to ski two or three times a week all year or most of the year. That is how in my mind you get to be a really good skier.
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