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BallOfSpray Eagle Vests - Heck Yea!


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I talked to and exchaned email withe Chuck at Eagle a few times this week. He recommended against the multi-logo versions of the vest. Below is his mockup.

The ink color is white. Not an option for a short run.
The vest can be zip or pull over – your choice
The rubber color can change – your choice Chuck did question the wisdom of the big “Baller” on the back.
What do you think? I am ready to pull the trigger and start taking orders so this is your last chance to chime in. 


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  • Baller
I like it; but, I like plain and straightforward opposed to cluttered and wild graphics.  I like the straight lines of the graphics and the "Baller" on the back.  Why was the back logo questioned?  Also, what are the rubber colors?
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  • Baller

skibug the term "baller" usually refers to - 

A thug that has "made it" to the big time. Originally refered ball players that made it out of the streets to make millions as a pro ball player, but now is used to describe any thug that is living large.(Urban Dictionary)

But this is the deffinition that baller means on BOS ( I think) One whose person has been fully and successfully established in numerous social circles (esp. one who is extremely popular with both the male and female members of any given social group) (Urban Dictionary) but we are still ski thugs that are living large! minus the whole basketball part

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  • Baller

I wrote earlier "What about floatation levels?  Are these USCG approved floatation or not?  Waist strap an option or not?  Love to have one but I gotta have the floatation to keep my old @$$ above water...  "

Horton replied "Check out EagleSprorts.com for options"

Tried that, it was no help.  Too much to sort through.  Probably just too dumb to figure it out.  If I can get one spec'ed as above I'm in, if not...


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