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Site News and Stuff - Features of the new forum that no one is using yet.


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There are some things about the notifications (the little red flags in the blue bar) that really suck. On the other hand there are some cool stuff to.


If you will click on the star to the right of any discussion it will be bookmarked. Any time a bookmarked thread has a new comment you will get a notification. If you set up your account right, you can get an email.... I will make a video showing how to do this... someday... Maybe I can get @MattP to do it...


If you want to address someone in a thread you can use the @ plus their name. So if you want to make sure I see a post put "@Horton" somewhere in your text. If you are making fun of MS put @MS in your text. The problem is MS is not smart enough to understand.


Inside any thread you should see the text "Flag" at the top of each post. If you think there is something objectionable that someone else wrote click "flag". I will get a message. I guess flags are not only for bad content, any time you want me to see what someone else wrote click the flag I will it.


When I get the time I will continue to try to fix stuff that sucks. Unfortunately I'm burning the candle at both ends lately so the little things are getting pushed back.



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  • Baller
What do you know I got a notification and an email when @Horton mentioned me. Horton if you did not already know this new software lets you #hashtag in posts that then when clicked searches the hashtag throughout the other posts
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I like #hashtags @MattP ... But there is a search bar in the upper right that allows you to search whatever phrase or term you'd like to in the forum as well...if we geek-out too much we will scare normal people with real-lives away...might as well start speaking in Klingon...


yea, i went there.

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@PBD Yes. I need to make a tutorial....


Top of page is "inbox"

on right is "Start a Conversation"

Enter user name and your message....

I just sent you a message.

You will see a red flag next to inbox on top of page when you log in. (Now you are in the part of the interface that needs work)

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Can it be done? Yes. Do I know how? No. I would have to Pay a developer for that.


I am thinking that as the site is growing so darn fast, I am going to have to employ for some tech help. Maybe the donate $ button is not that bad of an idea.

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