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Handle size and tennis elbow


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Couple of things that help me:


Bent handle (call Brenda at InTow http://www.jlbmfg.com/)

Two palms down for deep water start

Drug called Mobic (see your doctor)

Stretch - Jones can you post images or a link

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Get a ball smaller than a tennis ball like a hand ball and squeeze it ten minutes a day. Stay away from slack. Deep tissue massage helps but it hurts when you do it. You do not get a lot of blood flowing through that area so anything you can do to increase circulation in the elbow will help.
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  • Baller

Try to warm it up as much as possible before you ski. Multiple 10 second stretches, massage, squeezing a ball for a minute or two. It's not fixing it, but is trying to warm up the area to decrease you pain. Stretching and ice after.


I never had issues until I rode a Prophecy for a while a couple of years ago. It killed my elbow. Different skis just load differently and I swear it makes a difference. The A1 was murder on my back. The Z7, which felt slowish, was no problem. I haven't noticed a big difference with handle size/radius, but it does need to feel tacky to you. The harder you squeeze the worse it is so find a good handle and glove combo and relax that grip.


To be honest, I think time and a change of skis is what is helping mine slooowly get better... At least till I have another scrappy set like the one at Scoke's last weekend then I still feel it a bit. Good luck.

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  • Baller
The ski test must go on. I will ride them until I find the best one. I will send the rest to Ward who will write the reviews and keep them. MS will assist Horton with his rehab by randomly adjusting his fin.
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  • Baller

Elliptical handle, clinchers or pro-locks, tennis elbow strap...and if all else fails steroid injection. I had a doc buddy inject me. No problems since injection after struggling 1.5 years thru two ski seasons and one winter lifting season. Tends to be recurrent...still running clinchers.


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  • Baller
Your risk of ulcer goes up w/or w/out the etoh if taking regular NSAIDS. If worried about it, you could consider taking it w/prilosec OTC. Not much reason to spend for mobic...OTC naproxen will do the same and far cheaper...I go through a pile of it each ski season to allow my back to continue.
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  • Baller
Horton, you should get some drug co's advertising on BOS...particularly the pain killing/anti-inflammatory set. Sport supplements, glucosamine/chondroitin etc. Perhaps a few beer or liquor companies. Very captive audience for that stuff!
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  • Baller_
I have found that a different handle diameter helps. I ski with a 1" handle. If my elbow hurts I'll try a larger handle, but I think if I usually skied with a 1.092 that going to a 1 would also help. I think that it's not necessarily the diameter, it's the change and the change in the way your elbow takes the strain due to the changed grip tension. Also, I think you squeeze your grip less with a wider diameter handle, but @horton will disagree with me on that one all day.


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@lpskier my experience is that a bigger diameter handle will use more forearm strength and a smaller handle will tear up you hands. Thicker or thinner gloves have the same effect.
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  • Baller
I agree with @Horton. I had been using a 1.03 and felt good, but started tearing up my hands in the summer. The palm guards helped with my hands but essentially made the handle diameter larger, requiring more forearm. Working toward strengthening my forearm, but maybe trying a smaller diameter handle (at least while using the palm guards.) Of course handle diameter is also relative to hand size, and my hands aren't particularly large.
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  • Baller

After adding palm protectors, the end result on a 1.03 is larger than it was.


Which issue ? Tearing up the hands, tennis elbo, or fatigued forearms? Handle diameter relative to blisters is opposite of forearm fatigu. I can see how alternating would help with tennis elbo. I get tennis elbo a little, but some weight training (that has been discussed before) helps me with that. I have trouble holding on too many passes with the palm protector (which would be the same as a larger diameter handle.)


Keep in mind that the effects on blisters is a lot different for someone skiing through the summer in Fl as opposed to Canada. And, what is "standard" is relative to the size of your hands.

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  • Baller
I've said it before in some other post. I used to have major elbow issues. Ultimately getting rid of really old ropes and switching back and forth between radius and straight handles helped a lot. Whether it was this alone or combined with a conscious effort to keep my arms straight whenever possible virtually eliminated my elbow problems last year. My elbow problems still exist because I feel it on a mountain bike but waterskiing no longer causes me any elbow pain.
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