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The_MS last won the day on March 10

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  • Preferred boat
    SN 200
  • Home Ski Site
    Ski Watch
  • Real Name
    Mark Schneewind
  • Ski
    Goode XTR cc
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  • USAWS Member # or other IWWF Federation #

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  1. @aupatking anytime, maybe we can combine with an overnight to the rigs
  2. I think weed is legal in California
  3. Sorry. Sold The only ski left is the like new ion 2
  4. @scoke all that matters is how easy it is to get there. I had a front Approach on my Monza @BGrow76 it is the same effort wise. I never considered XTRs as high effort skis but rather they are skis that dont allow you to ski super fast. To me that is less effort to get up to desired speed and stay there. When I compare the tails, they look alike. Bevel looks the same but hard to tell. It is a wider top but you cant tell by looking.
  5. I have skied 6 sets on it after just getting off the water. In the past year I have most of my sets on the Titanium and most recently the XTRcc. I have tried out a few other skis but nothing to write home about for performance on those skis. The Ventura feels a little bit more tracky than the XTRcc. I can feel it wanting to edge when riding flat. If you are hooking up correctly on the back side of the ball, the ski carries right through the wash, holding edge really well. The overall feel of the ski is not that much different than my XTRCC. My ball count is the same and I have to look down at my ski to notice that I am riding something different 6.832 tips, 2.490, .712 dft flat head 67 inch
  6. I am three sets in on a 67 inch 175 pounds. I am set up like my XTRCC except bit shallower at .490 It was out of the box great on the first ride
  7. @RAWSki you k ow you always have open invitation to ski
  8. The color is not fading as quick as the orange and they look pretty bright yet for being in the water since april
  9. @DvarianDan Johnson both of them ended up on the 24 Radar
  10. I think they are 21s. The 68 Omega has a handful of sets on it and is spotless $500 65 Alpha is in good shape 350 66 ION 2 has 3 sets from @Mrs_MS and 3 from the neighbor 700
  11. @Horton it would have been great to drop 2k just to watch Badal run 39 and kick my butt
  12. @GSchmid dont take advice from @Horton, you smoked him at Nats.
  13. C3. Plus stretch goes away instantly
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